Shared on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 02:20GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM Kate Nauta does the suppressed akimbo thing in Transporter 2...
As this auto-posts on the HQ, the second night is over, and I'm almost home to my honey!! Just one night left now, and then I can go home to my beloved Effie!!! Lord, I can't wait!! Effie, baby, I love you!!! I'll be home for coffee tomorrow morning, honey!!
This is also an anniversary for us, in a way. My lovely Effie and I have been married five months now, which means we're closing in on a half-year already together as husband and wife. Lord, I've never been happier than I am with my Sweet Gal!! Happy Anniversary, baby!
When I woke up yesterday afternoon, I realized I had missed my usual Ides of March feature on the Vent, missing the two thousandth fifty-fifth anniversary of the event. Things were a bit hectic the last couple days of the weekend, and I didn't get the chance to plug in the usual Julius Caesar links. And there were some pretty good ones posted on Reddit, too. To wit, I didn't know that Julius Caesar was boinking Brutus' Mom... Guess that adds a whole new, non-political dimension to the 'unkindest cut of all'. I suppose Shakespeare really couldn't have made Brutus orate, 'And wherefore Caesar was putting the blocks to my Mom, therefore I slew him', and still make him look like an honorable man, lol.
I blogged earlier in the week that there had been no gaming at home. Actually, that's not strictly true. I had the distinct pleasure of watching my stepson, Chris, Sr., running through his paces on Modern Warfare 3 Ground War and Free-for-all on the Xbox. After one kinda bad tune-up match, he did pretty dang well. I always enjoy watching gameplay, and watching it live is a lot of fun for me still. Even if it did keep me from helping my Sweet Gal much on getting dinner ready that night, lol. Moving on...
Call of Duty Links:
- Modern Warfare 3 'Overwatch' DLC hits PS3 29 March 2012.
- [YouTube] Modern Warfare 3 Collection 1: Behind the scenes video.
More Gaming Links:
- Halo 4: Not only is it not 'Call of Duty', it's also 'not Mirror's Edge in the Halo universe'.
- Diablo III released date confirmed for 15 May 2012. Counting down to the rabid point and click adventuring...
- Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition announced.
- [Review] Zero Punctuation reviews Syndicate. (Not safe for work language, as usual.)
- GiantBomb gaming news site purchased by CBS Interactive.
- [Feature] How Gearbox Interactive 'Truth Team' outwitted Borderlands testing feedback.
- [Image] Mass Effect 3 characters versus real-life models. (Original image link credit: pazza89 on Reddit Mass Effect.)
- [Web Comic] Dorkly: No time for Mass Effect 3.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Everybody panic! We're running out of Helium!!
- Solar eruption mistaken for UFO refueling on the Sun. By idiots, that is...
- [Genetics] So what's with the blue strawberry? I dunno if a blue strawberry daiquiri would cut it...
- Ex-Microsoft employee launches 'Fix Windows 8' campaign. Also covered on Tom's Hardware. If Bill Gates couldn't get things fixed...
- [Video] TED Talk: Rob Reid on 'The $8 billion iPod'.
- [Hardware Review] The new iPad on TechCrunch.
- [Bonus!] Looking for stolen iPad, police find 750 pounds of crystal meth.
- The Encyclopedia Britannica stops publishing.
- [Image] Your new Z-day survival tool. (Original image link credit: edtasty on Reddit Zombies.
- Joker961's blog
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