Shared on Fri, 04/06/2012 - 01:43GungalTM of the Day
Today's Halo GungalTM has a cleavage enhanced Master Chief outfit...
As this auto-posts on the HQ, the second of four nights is done, and I'm halfway home to my beloved Effie!!! Lord, I can't wait to go home to my Sweet Gal!! I love you, baby!! I'll be home in just two nights!
On Wednesday, I left home around 11ish, and I got up to the Albany pad around 1300. After having a snack and getting cleaned up, I settled down for a pre-work nap. And I couldn't. I think I had a wee bit too much coffee at breakfast in the morning, and that made for a hellishly long night on Wednesday. I was a lot better rested when I got up yesterday, so I'm hoping for an early morning shopping trip this AM. Still, no matter. I'm halfway home to my Pretty Gal, and in just two short nights, I'll be back with my honey again, and all will be right with the world!! Awesome!!!
I ordered Call of Duty: World at War from Steam this week, since it was on sale for $19.99. I always had a blast playing World at War co-op, since it afforded some of the biggest laughs I've ever gotten in gaming. I'm looking forward to trying it out again. If you're after a bargain, check out Good Old Games. A lot of PC games, classic and now new, are available there at bargain rates. If you hurry (like right this second, lol!), you might be able to get the original Fallout, DRM-free, absolutely free. Moving on...
Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video
Uploaded 28 March 2012 on SuperSaiyanGamerz
Call of Duty Links:
More Gaming Links:
- [Preview] South Park: Tenorman's Revenge on GiantBomb.
- [Screenies] Aliens: Colonial Marines on EuroGamer.
- Witcher 2 producer announces Dark Souls-inspired RPG.
- [Feature] Storytelling in Dark Souls and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- BioWare announces Mass Effect 3: The Extended Cut.
- Mirror's Edge writer: BioWare's defense of Mass Effect 3's ending is poor.
- Good Old Games announces DRM-free Assassin's Creed: The Directors Cut. Also, if you own Witcher 2 for the PC, as of 17 April, you can download a free backup copy from GOG, no matter where you bought your original.
- [Feature] How evolution defines the aliens of Mass Effect.
- [Feature] EA is the worst company in America. Now what? Profit?
- [YouTube] Assassin's Creed for the Kinect parody video.
- [Image] StarCraft android adjutant cosplay. (Original image link credit: actonesceneone on Reddit Gaming.)
Non-Gaming Links:
- IBM's new telescope will generate more data than the entire worldwide web.
- Getting to know the 'Goldilocks' planet.
- [Nano-news] Self-sculpting sand could allow for the spontaneous creation of tools. Ack! Replicators!!
- DNA sequencing lays foundation for personalized cancer treatments.
- IBM takes on computing task to discover the origins of the Universe. Hey, the answer is 42!!
- Samsung unveils new ultra-high speed micro SD cards.
- Toshiba unveils new line of Android tablets.
- Over a 600,000 Macs infected with Flashback Botnet malware.
- Minnesota waitress sues police after they seize (and keep) her $12,000 dollar tip.
- [Images] Women of Star Trek illustration series. Totally not what you're thinking...
- [Cracked] Six prank gadgets that only a sociopath would actually used.
- Joker961's blog
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