Penmanship really is your first line of defense.


Shared on Tue, 05/01/2012 - 15:18


Sucking my can of soda greedily dry, no use of straw only wrapping my oversized lips over the opening, the can crumpled by the massive strength of my lungs, I look around for my next victim. It’s been a war that has been wage for eons. I have battled sugary substance of every kind for millennia; be them the crystal rock candy slugs of Abercrombie Five or the Giant one Armed Lollipops of Zethran Four, I have consumed them all. I am the antithesis of the Crystalline Entity from Star Trek, instead of candy eating people (sci-fi), I eat candy people! You watch as the ginger bread man quakes in his boots or the gum drop princess poops a string of Jujubes in my presence! I have decimated the entire campaign of M&M’s and Hershey Kisses, not to mention the great Easter Candy Holocaust of 2010. Every holiday has the spoils of war, I like to pepper mint cane an advent calendar into forking over its chocolate gifts…like anyone could really wait all 25 days. I crawl across the dining room floor and scale the fridge to claw at all the Peeps; I see them shiver in their pink confectionary fear. Halloween is just one big glycemic blur; it’s the acid trip of the sweet tooth. Every year I start the evening off trick-o-treating and drinking whiskey, I move to beer and Baby Ruth’s, and then it’s on to sweet vermouth and Malo cups. I black out around nine o’clock and wake up naked in my basement. I have strange nightmares of puking in my neighbor’s Escalade, chasing people around with licorice ropes and sticking used candy wrappers to me and yelling out that I am the Candy Man.




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