Shared on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 01:10GungalTM of the Day
As this auto-posts on the HQ, I'm hoping to be home or almost home. I might have to stay a bit later after work, tho I'm certainingly hoping not to...My Sweet Gal has had more work hours than usual, so that has left me kinda on my own. We managed to chat for just a bit the other day on Skype, when she actually had the day off to prepare for a long day on Saturday (training, not working), but otherwise, she was stuck working, same as me up North. Regardless, it's Sunday morning, and I'm going to be having coffee with my beloved Effie and perusing the morning papers.
On the gaming front, I got a couple of hours in on Modern Warfare 3 during each work day. I was getting a bit frustrated when it seemed that every enemy on the map seemed to know precisely where I was all the time, and I was often spawning, taking a couple of steps (if that) and getting fragged. Then, I unlocked the Assassin perk, and it was like someone flipped a switch and I became the Angel of Death, moving undetected amongst mere mortals, snuffing out their light mercilessly. I'm looking forward to exploiting the heck out of that perk, too, lol. Moving on...
Call of Duty Links:
- [YouTube] VG247 Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 trailer frame-by-frame analysis. Also GamerSpawn.
- Oliver North is selling Black Ops 2. Also covered on WebProNews.
- [Web Comic] Dorkly keeps this whole Call of Duty thing in perspective.
More Gaming Links:
- [Previews] Elder Scrolls Online on Joystiq; Rock, Paper, Shotgun; PC Gamer.
- IGN closing FilePlanet; leaving current content online.
- Steam remote downloading is here.
- THQ won't have a booth at E3 2012.
- Valve: No new product announcements at E3 2012. Translation: No Half-life 3 this year... *sigh*
- [YouTube] Sniper Elite V2 'Overwatch' gameplay.
- [Preview] Saints Row: The Third 'Enter the Dominatrix' DLC.
- [YouTube] Xbox 360 Minecraft multiplayer trailer.
- [Review] Defender II for Android on RootzWiki.
- Wikipad gaming tablet with Android 4.0, controller add-on.
- PAX Prime convention passes all sold out.
- [Feature] Looking at the future of the gaming industry through nostalgia glasses.
- [Image] Five rupees. (Original image link credit: on Reddit Zelda.)
- Android piracy a huge problem for game developers.
- [Feature] Early Assassin's Creed concept art shows cut features.
- [Image] Prototype 'nightingale' armor that served as the model for the Skyrim version. (Original image link credit: hjoboo on Reddit Skyrim.)
Non-Gaming Links:
- Potential proof for extra dimensions.
- The search for life on Jupiter's icy moons.
- Deep DNA memory theories: Can we remember our ancestors' lives? It would make Assassin's Creed based on a true story, lol...
- Physicists try to answer the question: What would happen if you put your hand in the Large Hadron Collider? Resonance cascade...
- Death of the dinosaurs: The asteroid didn't act alone. Colonel Mustard in the sitting room with global cooling...
- Ancient map gives clue to lost 16th Century Roanoke colony.
- Stonehenge had 'lecture hall' acoustic qualities.
- [Hardware Preview] Samsung Galaxy S III on TheVerge., AndroidPolice.
- Guilt proneness makes you a good leader.
- Star Trek sequel will be Khan story.
- [YouTube] Avengers, assemble! Amazing Iron Man cosplay. Bonus image: How I feel when I cosplay with the pros... (Original image link credit: Mediumraah on Reddit Pics.)
- [Image] One does not simply... (Original image link credit: Thisisopposite on Reddit Funny.)
- Joker961's blog
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