Shared on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 09:31Well, I'm going to be at it again. Halo 4 is out next week and I want to build something in Forge.
The "something" will likely be a rebuild of my REACH Megalith map with requisite upgrades.
I've already begun investigating improvements to the original Megalith construction. I started by not being a cheap-ass gamer. I bought "SOLVING STONEHENGE, The New Key to an Ancient Enigma", 2008 by Anthony Johnson. This book is chalk full of ancient surveying techniques, real surveys, photographs, diagrams and logical insight into the construction of Stonehenge.
Using my new book, I found out some of my educated guesses for the Trilithon Horseshoe were incorrect. I came very close to replicating the positions but not good enough.
This picture shows where the Trilithon should have been positioned. It also shows where a missing Bluestone horseshoe upright should have been. I assumed there were 20 Bluestone uprights and positioned them symmetrically. Turns out there were 19 but the one I didn't know about was broken and buried.
I sincerely hope I can build a bigger and more interesting Megalith in Halo 4. REACH Forge did not provide enough objects and resources to build what I wanted. Even if it did, the frame-rate would have gone down the toilet. I have already experimented with merging ideas from my Halo 3 Stonehenge and REACH Megalith. I also included a feature from one of JTGJR007's maps. Just ideas for the moment.
I can hardly wait to get cracking!
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Submitted by wamam87 on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 09:53
cool. can't wait to see how this developes!
Submitted by GUL74 on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 17:18
I think Forge in Halo 4 is gonna be unreal so I can def see you being able to make a bigger/better one
Submitted by Kenjamin1 MI on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 18:24
Very cool, ...keep your Pagan/Druid stellar alignments true!
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Sat, 11/03/2012 - 23:06
Can you recreate the sun position for the winter solstice? Should be great to see the new and improved version, looking forward to it!
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Sun, 11/04/2012 - 12:45
Solar alignment will depend on where the sun is on the map. The best choice is to simply align the map to the X or Y axis. If Forge allows moving the sun, I'll try that.