Shared on Mon, 03/11/2013 - 15:09Who knew that having some side projects would end up keeping me from any real gaming time? I didn't when I started them. I also need to stop being nice and volunteering to help others with their projects.
I work for a mom & pop printing company in downtown Aiken. I don't make a lot of money and sometimes the people suck. But it's a job and sometimes I can network with some decent people and have some fun projects. And I get free printing for my own personal use...so there are a few perks.
I do a lot of printing & design for the Aiken Performing Arts Group. They are a non-profit group that tries to bring fun & interesting shows and performances to the Aiken/Augusta area. And it happens that they needed some help editing together a promo video for their 2013-2014 Season Performance list. I opened my big mouth and said I could help. So now....the next few nights I am stuck using my free time to edit together a video for events I'll never go to, and am not even remotely interested in. My kinda shows don't come around this area. My own fault. Me and my big mouth....
So...not gonna be doing this again. I miss having a night to just lounge and watch T.V.
- Gatsu's blog
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Submitted by TANK on Mon, 03/11/2013 - 16:11
My wife is like that, she has a board game group she plays with 2 or 3 nights a week, a couple book clubs she goes to and a few non-profits she works with. She's never home, i dunno how she does it. After work i'd rather go home and relax than go out and do something even if it's something casual like board game night.
Submitted by Azuredreams on Wed, 03/13/2013 - 21:37
Being a stand up guy has it's draw backs bro. Just know that it'll come around to you when you need it.