Shared on Fri, 03/29/2013 - 15:28Whats up pimps and pimpettes. My life has been kinda hectic and crazy the past few weeks. It's been "hell month" at my job. We print all of the programs for the major equestrian events in Aiken. Steeplechase, Trials, USCA Polo and the Aiken Horse Show. So it's been non-stop and will continue to be until the end of next week. It'll be downhill from there for a little while.
So gonna enjoying the weekend and trying to get some planning done for a few projects I've been working on, and other projects I want to start.
I just purchased a HD video capture card so that I can start capping my own content for videos that I edit. I've been editing together trailers for some fighting game tournaments that a friend of mine hosts every year. It's called the ACT series. Aiken Convocation Tournament. We're on Act V now. So it's been going for a good bit. This is my 2nd time editing a trailer for them. And I think I did alright, just not great. I've been stuck using other peoples footage and not really having the know-how to put together some great graphic overlays and custom animations. So I'm gonna be learning to do that. I also plan on doing some livestreaming of events here for my clans and possibly for 2old2play if they'll let me. That'll be in a month or two once I get the equipment I need and get some time under my belt with all this new stuff.
Here's a link to the trailer for ACT V if you're interested in looking at it.
I also am getting back into illustration and trying to come up with some prints to sell on the side for a little extra cash. Not taking requests or anything. Just doing what I like and seeing if others like it. I think that's really how artists can be successful. Do what you love, and if others dig it they will be willing to pay for it.
Also been gaming a little bit here and there. Far Cry 3 on the PC and now Gears Judgment on the Xbox. I cannot express how dissapointed I am in Epic Games and how Judgment turned out. It's just not Gears. Killing enemies just isn't as satisfying now that I can't curb stomp them or execute them in multiplayer. And overall content-wise, this was not a $60 game....this was a $30 DLC Season Pass for Gears 3. The features, gametypes and content they removed, topped off by the price point and some of the things they've changed gameplay-wise....I'm just not happy with it. And it's sad because Gears is by far my favorite shooter. Been a big fan since the first game dropped. It's like if they took Halo, removed the ability for you to jump, drive vehicles, and get headshots....removed, team slayer, capture the flag, and oddball and replaced them with something inferior, shipped the game with only 4 maps used for those gametypes....then tried to sell you a season pass.....that had content that really should have been included in the game to begin with.....because that same content has been in every iteration of Halo.... It just doesn't make sense to me.
Anyway...enough about that.
Plenty of Gears 3 I can still play. lol.
Oh. Apologies to all whose been following me and the Gears armor stuff. I've set it aside for the past few weeks, but I'm gonna be working on it again starting tomorrow. So I hope to have some updates in the next couple of days. Hopefully a completed boot, or at least fully assembled boot.
Peace out.
- Gatsu's blog
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