FPS? Not this woman....


Shared on Sun, 03/31/2013 - 08:59

I have been hearing some really good reviews of Bioshock Infinite.  A few of youtube vids just made me want to go out and get it ASAP.  *Note:  I have done this with several games and  then I never get back to them, but I am such a WoW junkie.  Anywhos, I really, really, and I do mean REALLY want to play this game.  It just looks so awesome.  Sadly, I can not.  Anything in the first person makes me ill for a good hour and that is after about 20 minutes of gameplay.

So, my oldest comes for a visit this weekend.  What does he have?  Oh yeah... The Game.  That shit.  He is like way worse than me when it comes to gaming and that's saying a lot.   I tell him go to ahead and set up playing it.  He hadn't even played it yet.  So he does his thing, yells for me that he is about to start.  I come downstairs, and I am blown away with the graphics, the coloring.. the ability to adjust and I am so jealous of him it's not even funny.  So I watch him start playing and yeah.  You guessed it.  20 min and I have to leave the room.  I can't sit there and not look, nor do I feel like being nauseous all day.

It's really sad, because DAMNIT  I.... Want... to.... play.... that....game.   grrrrrrr


selden007's picture
Submitted by selden007 on Sun, 03/31/2013 - 16:26
Call it weird, but that happens when I watch my son play certain games i feel that way also. But when I play the same game I don't get that way. Probably my connection to beingbin control andnknowing exactly where my actions arettaking me makes it much easier on the motion sickness. I could even play mirrrors edge and be fine, butbifbivwatcg 1 second of someone else and I break out in a sweat and feel like the room is spinning.

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