Shared on Tue, 05/28/2013 - 18:08So Ive been watching the Pod casts on http://www.twitch.tv and noticed you can do so much more on the pc . Is there anyone still playing this on pc? I tried the demo out the other day and seems like it operates differently compared to the Xbox version. It looks like you can mod a lot in pc version as I'am watching guy at the moment use a portal gun that sucked everything out of the room
So I've been thinking of buying a new laptop and looking for something that can handle some of the newer games. I've been told by others I should get a gaming desktop computer but my living situation just won't allow it so it has to be a laptop. Now I heard you can't get anything decent unless you spend over $1000.00 any suggestions / ideas are welcomed
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Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Tue, 05/28/2013 - 18:24
I just bought two DELL inspiron 15Z Ultrabooks (touch screen). i7, 8GB, Nvidia GT 630M $999 CDN. The tricky thing with DELL is the integrated Intel 4000 GPU. It runs everything by default. You have to make sure your games are run by the Nvidia GPU. It's a little confusing for a moderately skilled home PC guy like me. I don't know if this an overall better setup than going with something like ASUS, non-integrated GPU and a dedicated high end GPU instead.
Submitted by GUL74 on Tue, 05/28/2013 - 19:59
I just went checked this out on bestbuy and looks like you got a decent laptop . How is using win8? I've heard/read some mixed reviews on it.. I like that it has a the touch screen and the reviews from Bestbuy were really good
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Wed, 05/29/2013 - 07:03
I like Windows 8. I already have a Surface RT so when I booted up the laptops I instantly started using the touch screen. Never even considered using a mouse. That being said, Win 8 is like a merging of two operating systems. The stuff you are used to is sort of the same and then there is the new Start screen. Mousing on the Start screen works well but a few things like the power button are on the right in the charms section instead of the lower left. Many traditional apps open in desktop mode and that is a tiny bit confusing. We use detached monitors, so in the end the touch screen hardly gets used but I really like using it (Surface experience influence). We almost wish we had gone for large touch screen All in ones. Windows 8.1 is supposed to reduce some of the confusion and is a free upgrade.
Submitted by GUL74 on Thu, 05/30/2013 - 10:51
So have you gamed with it ? and if so what game or games..I was kinda interested in the touch screen feature I kept seeing and was wow that's kinda cool, it's not a requrement for me but if thats the laptop I was gonna buy it wouldn't stear me away either
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Thu, 05/30/2013 - 11:16
Only Age of Empires 3. A few games from the Windows store. Nothing too taxing.