Shared on Sun, 08/11/2013 - 20:52Auto is posting another blog? I guess that means he bought another gun....
Yes, yes, I have......several actually, none special enough to warrant mentioning, but that is not why I am posting this.
Oh, then he must have made progress on his books....
Yes, lots of progress, but that's not the reason either.
oh....then, why is Auto posting a blog? Because he is annoyed....(and apparently because he likes to blog about hinmself in the thrid person because that's what happens when writers start to rely too much on editors)
Its been a long time since Black Ops 2 released. At release I borrowed it from a friend and played through the single player campaign. I thought it was ok, not great, but just ok. I then had to return it since I was tired of multi-player timmys and had alot of other projects to work on. This weekend, since I had money in my pocket and couldn't find ANY store selling Red dot Smokeless powder, Clays powder, small pistol primers, large magnum rifle primers, lead shot, .38 cal bullets, .22 cal bullets, 30 cal bullets, .223, 5.56, 9mm, .22lr, .22mag, .380, .38 Special, .357 Mag, .243, 7mm Mauser, .303 Brit, .300 Win Mag, 7.62X39 or .45 Colt; I broke down and finally boght my own copy of Black Ops 2.
My conmplaint could be about the ammo shortage, but I rant about that daily to ANYONE willing to listen(see above for passive agressive mini rant), So this rant will be about MULTIPLAYER!
Seriously, people who leave their malfunctioning head sets plugged in so everyone else has to stop playing, go into the menu and mute them to stop the horrible static and other horrid distracting noises, (resulting in MANY pointless deaths) should be forced to listen to One Direction songs on a perpetual loop every time they join a game.
Auto out-
- Automan21k's blog
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Submitted by Lala Calamari on Sun, 08/11/2013 - 22:53
Easy answer, don't play with pugs. Party up with 2o2p folks. Problem solved.