Shared on Wed, 10/02/2013 - 13:17
Playing: Diablo 3 on the 360. Sure, I have it on the PC, but there is something fun and invigorating about playing it on the console. Having a great time with the game through 2 playthroughs and just starting hell mode. Tried playing Kingdom Hearts 1.5 on the PS3 and had to tap out early on. Just found the controls too floaty, and way too much talking, not enough playing.
Debating: So we have both PS4 and the BOne coming out in a little less than 2 months time. I can't for the life of me pick out any launch titles. SteamOS looks interesting, but am I the only one who thinks there's a ton of risk with it as well? Anyhoo, I'm looking forward to building a steam machine of my own whenever they release SteamOS.
Reading: Star Wars comic by Dark Horse. A good glimpse into life after ANH. Also picked up "The Star Wars" which is based on the original Lucas draft. It's okay, but weird. Issue 2 should be out soon. "real books"? I have a couple in my queue, which I haven't gotten to, but nothing worth noting at present.
Playing (Analog): DCC RPG. This has been a fun game to get into. The randomness of the character generation was great and fit in with what the game is trying to do so well - ie, you're not a hero, you're just a poor schmuck who wanders into a dungeon. You'll probably die, but you might get a character up to level 1. Lots of fun. Wish I could get into the Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG as much. Really want to play more board games but college football is upon us.
Watching: Dexter series finale was a letdown. Breaking Bad was near perfect. I'm dieting again, so don't like to sit idle by the tv, gets me thinking too much about pretzels.
Taking: In my last blog post, I mentioned how red wine was soothing my heartburn pain. My doctor theorized that it was anxiety. Being a small business owner, I do subject myself to stress quite a bit, so I followed his advice and tried Ativan for 2 weeks. Son of a bitch, the shit worked. I don't really want to get dependent upon a benzo, so I took the two week course and didn't get a refill. Of course, now, the pain is back. However, I may have been able to lessen it some with Kava - a south pacific herb that some hippies say promotes relaxation. So far, I can say that my chest pain, while not completely gone, is doing better than being on nothing. As another benefit, I swear I'm feeling better moodwise. This could be a placebo effect, or a result of the aforementioned diet, but it has been an interesting experiment.
Well, that's about that for the time being. Alabama has mighty Georgia State this weekend, so I don't anticipate any stress pains there. The SEC is looking weird this season. I don't know yet if Bama, UGA or LSU are for real A&M's defense will cost them 2 or 3 more games. Auburn is playing 60 minutes of football, even when outgunned. Tennessee is really bad. South Carolina's defense looks bad - I think Clowney's already signed with Jay-Z and is just biding his time to his million dollar payday.
- AngryJason's blog
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