Books, Books, Books, and a website


Shared on Wed, 10/02/2013 - 14:18
Well, writing has taken over a large portion of my time, and I must say, things are getting interesting. I've decided to throw the whole self-publishing frustrations out the window, and dropped a neutron bomb of new frustrations in its place by starting my own publishing basically I'm still "self" publishing, but also publishing a few books for another person who also realized that publishing is frustrating. At least they were smart enough to hand off the annoying parts to someone So far I have 6 major projects in the works. Then there are the out of pocket expenses, and i wont see a dime until books hit the shelves (and iPads and kindles) its all a bit overwhelming for something that should have been a part time hobby. At least I'll have some free time coming up with hunting season starting this weekend....I will be the one in the tree balancing a crossbow with one hand and editing manuscripts with the other if anyone wants to check out the cause of my continued hair loss, its all at maybe I should have just quit writing and picked up GTA5.... I hear its really good. Auto out.


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