Battlefield 3/EA can suck it

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#1 Tue, 10/25/2011 - 13:18
Azuredreams's picture
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Battlefield 3/EA can suck it

I just got Battlefield 3 in the mail from Gamefly and found out about the online pass. So needless to say MW3 will be getting my buisness this time. For someone who never plays the single player campaigns in fps games, I have absolutely no use for this game in rental form. Honestly I say that if you want to make multiplayer for "paying" customers only, then don't allow gamefly/blockbuster to carry the title.


Just my two cents. 

Fri, 10/28/2011 - 11:31
Shadow's picture
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I don't think EA has a say in what physical discs get rented.


Don't worry, soon CoD will do the same.  Until discs are gone and you can't sell or rent games, this will only get worse.

Fri, 10/28/2011 - 13:36
happ's picture
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EA isn't the only one doing it now. You can bet anything published by Activision and THQ will also implement this model. Crysis 2 actually avoided it due to developer refusal to use the online pass.

Mon, 10/31/2011 - 16:15 (Reply to #3)
Snuphy's picture
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happ wrote:

EA isn't the only one doing it now. You can bet anything published by Activision and THQ will also implement this model. Crysis 2 actually avoided it due to developer refusal to use the online pass.



THQ did something similar with Homefront.  But I think they had an MP level cap of about 5.  So at least if you rented it, you could give it a try without having to pay.  This method seems a little easier to take than EA's.



Activision doesn't provide MP servers, so it's harder for them to justify.  Altho that probably doesn't matter to them.  


Sat, 11/19/2011 - 15:02
RichardHead's picture
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Azuredreams wrote:
...if you want to make multiplayer for "paying" customers only, then don't allow gamefly/blockbuster to carry the title.


Just my two cents. 


So you're saying that if you don't own the game you can't play MP? 


if so that sucks..... on one hand they need to make money and don't necessarily care about the experience... and on the other I guess they say go fuck yourself (the company not you)


Seriously though that's lame that you can't try it out on gamefly or blockbuster before you buy?... don't they sell games too? Or maybe that's the problem.

Fri, 03/02/2012 - 16:06
B1G_KAHUNER's picture
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At least BF gives you map packs for free if you bought the game as opposed to $15 a pop for CoD

Wed, 03/07/2012 - 20:33 (Reply to #6)
Frostyglitch's picture
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My nephew ran into this exact problem with BF3 at a local video rental place.  I was pissed when I found out about it.  So I called the store, got my nephew some free rentals and had the manager change his policy for games that require online passes.  From now on all the games that require online codes will have a disclaimer.

Thu, 03/08/2012 - 10:57
Shadow's picture
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yeah I can't imagine if I rented MP games.  That is ridiculous.

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