Invasion - A map for you?
Fri, 03/16/2012 - 07:34
Invasion - A map for you?
Invasion, yeah I know, blah. Some people do like it though.
2old2pwn played it last night and the map seems to work fine. In typical 2old2pwn fashion, we over thought the complexity and well ... chimps would have faired better.
I recommend it.
Associated video highligted on Waypoint.
I saw this in the writeup over at Waypoint. I think I may DL it and give it a shot.
I have always enjoyed Invasion. The whole Spartans vs. Elites is a lot of fun.
I thought the video was extremely well edited and makes it look like a lot of fun. I hope I get to try this out.
*Looks at title*
Invasion actually is an interesting concept. It's like Bungie came up with a decent idea, or looked at other games (like TF2), and couldn't quite figure out a way to make it work. The spawning weapons were all kinds of fucked, though.
that's what i'm talking about.
when it was first announce in some press release, i was so pumped up. i thought this would be the best thing about reach.
i was wrong. i hate it.
weapon drops...really?
I find all Invasion to be complicated. If you don't play it regular it's like learning a new game each time you do.
I hope 343i either drops Invasion altogether or revamps it so it is easy to figure out. I mean real easy.
i think i may enjoy it quite a bit more, but it usually is on spire (my least liked map) or on boneyard. if you aren't a regular player on boneyard, you are at a huge disadvantage. that's a really big map with tons of nooks and crannies. if you don't know all the ins and outs, you're in trouble.
I always felt Spartans had better tech, especially the sniper rifle. So if I was playing with a group of friends and we were Elites, we would let the spartans capture the weapon drop hill and then kill them before the weapons were actually dropped.
i don't get why, in invasion slayer, the team that doesn't cap the hill still gets additional loadouts. i think it defeats the purpose of having a hill.
Played this gametype/map last night (Thanks for FS it Deep!) and it wasn't too bad. Definitely need to play it more than once to learn where the weapons are, but it was pretty cool flying a Falcon into the island while the plasma turrets are trying to rain death upon you!
I liked it. The falcons don't come in to play enough in the bigger team games IMO, so I like it when you can use them strategically.
Seems like most of the time, they're just a big flying target.
It definitly wasnt bad, I was just thinking how cool it would have been to run up on that beach in a boat though. Im not a big invasion fan but this map was pretty good and is a good game for Clan Nights. Its worth playing again.