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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
You're a dork!
You got Parcells good there Jonesy! Dammit.
Suckered. he he.
read it
coming to terms with it...
Yea I was played. Doh!
Takes one to know one!
You've comfirmed my worst fears,
unsub073 wrote: ass
This known as Stating the Obvious, and I'm sure he'd agree...
It's a badge earned over on the T-10 forums...
Achievement Earned!
SarcasmoJones wrote: unsub073 wrote: assAchievement Earned!
Sweet. I haven't done that in a while.
Butt muncher!!!!
LMAO!!!!! and i thought we were in trouble !!!!
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
You got Parcells good there Jonesy! Dammit.
read it
coming to terms with it...
Yea I was played. Doh!
Takes one to know one!
You've comfirmed my worst fears,
This known as Stating the Obvious, and I'm sure he'd agree...
It's a badge earned over on the T-10 forums...
Achievement Earned!
Sweet. I haven't done that in a while.
Butt muncher!!!!
LMAO!!!!! and i thought we were in trouble !!!!