Don't tell Turn 10 about this it might backfire!
Thu, 04/26/2012 - 20:27
Don't tell Turn 10 about this it might backfire!
Been a lot of talk thrown around about what cars would be good additions to the game.
I've made a small list of some you are likely to see before you get the ones that you want.
Chevy citation 2
Plymouth reliant K
57-59 Edsel
74 GTO
78 chevette
82 AMC Wagon
Brick land SV
Ford Excursion
Ferrari mondial
Yugo gv
Pontiac aztek
Caddilac cimmarron
54 caddy
59 Morris Mini
Mini 1275 GT
Renualt Espace F1
Porsche 356 LMC
Mercedes w196 Streamliner
Mercedes 600 Pullman
Citroen DS 19 or 21
Abarth 695
Ford Cortina 1600E
Ford Capri Mk3
Ford Transit Mk2
Ford Escort RS2000
Jaguar Mk X
Jaguar Mk II
Jensen Interceptor
Lamborgini Espada
Lancia Fulvia HF
Masserati Ghibli
Peugeot 504 Estate
Peugeot 404
Peugeot 205 GTI
Peugeot 205 T16
Renault A110
Sunbaeam Lotus
Lmao! No kidding!