Android keeps reloading pages
Fri, 05/04/2012 - 18:56
Android keeps reloading pages
i'm having some issues with viewing the site on my phone.
when i view a thread, it will load anywhere from 2-5 times before it stops reloading on it's own. it just started less than a week ago. when it does this and i try to reply to a post it won't let me. i have to click 'disable rich text' then 'enable rich text' then 'disable rich text'...and THEN i can reply to the thread.
is anyone else having this kind of problem?
phone: LG VM670
service: Virgin moblile
OS: android 2.2
browser: Opera Mobile
I run an Android HTC Thunderbolt with no issues at all. And I've never had an issue posting from it either. I'm running OS 2.3.4.