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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
posted in the wrong section to star with
Almost there Gizzie
So that's how they make milkshakes. If it flips over is that how they make icecream?
Fitzy wrote: So that's how they make milkshakes. If it flips over is that how they make icecream?
We've got just the guy to test this outstanding theory!
Rollovers would make butter just need a burning hovis van for some toast, crumpits, muffins etc :P
i think thats one of the ways to make milkshakes :D
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
Almost there Gizzie
So that's how they make milkshakes. If it flips over is that how they make icecream?
We've got just the guy to test this outstanding theory!
Rollovers would make butter just need a burning hovis van for some toast, crumpits, muffins etc :P
i think thats one of the ways to make milkshakes :D