Help! How to tune rear engined cars...
Thu, 06/07/2012 - 03:16
Help! How to tune rear engined cars...
This is getting bloody stupid now. I have used my RL experiance to put a proper tune into the 911's and...Guess What? Thats right it doesnt work...
So, could someone please give me the basics on how to make these Pigs handle so I can at least keep up?
Not looking to be sent tunes (that is nice though) just looking to learn and share with the great and the good on here.
I'm not really much of a tuner, but I always use this as a starting point:
Good Luck
Thanks for that Seb,
I used a combination of Slave Munky and advice from Pap and Tourni to get me to my base line, problem I have is that I dont really know what to change to make a differance with the Rear Engined cars as I end up with chronic understeer or comic oversteer.
Hopefully one of the others will pipe up soon with a few pointers.
Over/under during accel/decel? Details!
They have great traction out of a corner, but huge weight transfer.
So strong diff and fair stiff setups with Roll bars quite spaced should give you what your looking for. Front rebound will be low compared to rear.
You will need to post details of what is happening to get better advice, i'll send you my ruf :)
One other thing to bearin mins is that there will be certain traits that you just can't tune out of the car. You literally have to drive a read engine car differently than anything else in the game.,
May I suggest simply sticking with a sport suspension setup & lerning how the cars wants to be handled before you start fiddling with adjustable suspensions.
Yep J is on the mark, you need to learn how a Porker wants to be driven. Tourni's advice is sollid as usual
I alwasy calculate springrates like this: weight divided by 2 multiplied by front %= front springrate, front springrate minus devided weight = rear springrate after dropping the -.
Example: Weight 2500 lbs 40% front distribution. 2500/2=1250 1250*0.4=500 front springrate= 500lbs/in 500-1250=-750 rear springrate= 750lbs/in.
By doing this you will have the cars sprung weight distribution at 50/50. If you now need to stiffen or soften the car but want to keep the same balance you need to remember to work in %, so a 10% softer car would be 495 front and 742.5 rear.
This is what works for me it might not for you, no guarentees
Sweet! I'm not the only one that potentially puts too much though process into base tunes.
It always seemed to work as a pretty decent baseline for me. I have a very similar thought process...must be that psuedo-engineer in me. 
Do you feel you have problems like this?
^^ this.
Best decription of the problemt to date....
As said I am just looking to learn what the in game tricks are to make these cars handle as the tune from my RW race cars gives the above effect!
Or is it more a loss of control, like an airy feeling, like this?
PaulY, I hav a few tunes for the Porshes, B, A and S, you can have them, and have a look at them if you want.
I find them tricky at times, and as Cotter says, they drive so differently in the game.
I`ll send you an FR.