Sun, 08/19/2012 - 12:31
This may sound like a stupid question, but are there two XCOM games coming out or is there only one? XCOM and XCOM Enemy Unknown videos look like two totally different games. I was sure if they scapped their first attempt and went in a different direction with Enemy Unknown.
Enemy Unknown is the spiritual successor to the original PC game. I played it on Playstation1, where it was called XCOM:UFO Defense.
It looks really fun. From the videos I've watched, it looks damn cool too. I believe they just announced multiplayer too.
The other Xcom is an FPS, don't know much about that. Looks ok I guess.
They are two different games. The one coming out in October is more in the style of the PC game from way back when. The other Xcom game that has no release date is a complete departure from the classic style, it's all first person shooter.
If you're interested, Faraxis and 2K just did a 1 hour gameplay demo of Enemy Unknown
yup ones a freaking fps and the others a tactical tbs game, im buying EnemyUnknown (the tbs one) as soon as it hits the shelves the fps XCOM game can suck a hairy dick.
I like to know who getting XCOM EU because I would really like to play the multiplaye,r as oppsed to getting destroyed in another Halo game.
I played it at PAX Prime and I liked it but I just don't think it's the type of game I want to play ona console. WHere as if it was available for my tablet i'd buy it in a second. IT seems lik the perfect type of game to play on a tablet where as shooters on tablets suck balls.