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#1 Thu, 09/06/2012 - 21:22
anotherdae's picture
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The writing team recently posted a piece on this upcoming television show and MMO game called Defiance:

As more and more information is coming out I'm getting pretty excited for it. That said, I haven't forgotten the long list of shows I was excited for that didn't last or even get off their feet.

Here's a link to their YouTube videos. The SDCC videos are an interesting watch.

Fri, 09/07/2012 - 13:23
frizzlefry2's picture
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I'm definitely going to check out the game.  Crossing my fingers that the show is as good as advertised...

Sat, 05/11/2013 - 11:17
YEM's picture
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The show has been picked up for a second season. 13 episodes in 2014 

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 16:23
TANK's picture
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Interesting,  wonder if the game will be around that long.  I'm kinda interested in seeing how the game picks up the gap between seasons but I'm not really sure i'm going to be playing it that long, i'm REALLY bored with it.

Sat, 07/06/2013 - 09:12
GbHaseo's picture
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Can't wait for the season finale on Monday, I still gotta watch last weeks episode but it's not up on demand yet for Comcast, so I'll prolly have to do a back to back Monday. I wonder who's going to win the election? The dlc is set to come out in a week or two, the charged weapons look really cool, can't wait for those honestly!

Sun, 07/07/2013 - 09:05
YEM's picture
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Looks like someone is going to die. I REALLY hope it's Datak (though I highly doubt it will be) as I hate that guy. And it's not one of those "love to hate" situations. I just can't stand him

Sun, 07/07/2013 - 19:31
GbHaseo's picture
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Yeah, I they added episode 11 finally and man it's so wierd that Irisa had that in her the whole time. I wonder what exactly it does and how it works. I know they mentioned Terraforming, but they also mentioned destruction, so I dunno... Also, really interested to see what happens in the forest.

I too wish for Datak for get killed off, but it'll never happen, he's the main villian for now, so they need him in the show. I could see the Mayor's sister getting whacked, she's close enough to the main cast, but not vital. Especially after her little run in with Datak's wife. Can't wait for tommorow's episode and with Falling Skies on tonight, that's 2 great nights of TV!

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 23:51
GbHaseo's picture
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So what did everyone think about the Season 1 ending? Personally, I didn't care for it, and it felt like a mid-season episode, which pissed me off. They didn't answer anything and on top of it, added 50 new questions, it just felt sloppy. When shows do stuff like this, you gotta wrap up most things, and only leave 1 or 2 big things to keep people interested, especially since it's going to be a YEAR before we get new episodes. Just feels like this franchise is going to be forgotten before the next season honestly. They'll have to really ramp up the game to keep people interested that long, and I don't see them being able to.

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 18:17
YEM's picture
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I don't know man, I'm looking forward to seeing where they go. I won't "forget" about it

Sat, 07/13/2013 - 06:55
GbHaseo's picture
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I'm not saying everyone will forget to watch, I'm saying I hope it doesn't happen, but I have seen it occur with shows before. People don't hear about things for awhile, and forget about it. I hope it doesn't as I do love the game, and the show and would like to see it continue for quite awhile. I'm just saying it's a good possibility, b/c I've talked to a lot of people in the game(not all, but a decent amount) and friends who were pissed/upset about the final episode. I mean you can tell on the forums for the show and game, as they've had a constant flow of pissed off people since the premiere of both.

The ratings dropped from 2.7 consistantly down to 1.5 million. It came back up the last episode or so, but it never broke 2 million past that 1st episode again. Shows get picked up based on live ratings, and the summer is just a bad time period for shows. That's why most networks show reruns during the summer, because people are out busy and not watching as much TV. So it's not crazy to think, that this could happen to an up and coming show, especially if the game continues to fail at the massive rate it has.

When you leave someone with a sour taste, on top of the sour taste they experienced with the game, with more possible disappointments with the season of dlc coming, and no new episodes of the awesome show to make up for the game, it tends to cause problems. People get pissed and move onto something they enjoy more. When you get gamers, some of the bitchiest people in the world, tied to a TV show, you can never truly know what to expect lol.

I just think it's going to be tough to maintain it's ratings, with that big of a break in time between episodes. It's a really expensive show according to SyFy, and a year is a long time, it's why most shows run for 20+ weeks or take a 2 month break mid-season. I don't even watch the SyFy network, and if the game goes under, I'll have no way of remembering the new season, unless I see a commercial or someone tells me. I love the show aside from the ending, and can't wait for the new dlc. Seige modes, charge weapons, and playable Castithians, not to mention the new 4-player vehicles of death!

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