Compared to Source, a few weapons changes (updated guns), less floating on the controls, some weapons nerfed a little (AWP, shotguns). I play on the PS3. Already have Source on PC. Figured I go for the whole new player pool on the console. I usualy switch between M&KB and controler. PS3 supports M&KB, Controler, Move Sharpshooter.
As a hardcore M&KB advocate, I actualy like the controler better on this version.
Any one want to play on PS3, Tag's CPTN_Cropduster.
A few of us have it on the 360. The game is still fun but it isn't as nice as playing with a mouse.
Compared to Source, a few weapons changes (updated guns), less floating on the controls, some weapons nerfed a little (AWP, shotguns). I play on the PS3. Already have Source on PC. Figured I go for the whole new player pool on the console. I usualy switch between M&KB and controler. PS3 supports M&KB, Controler, Move Sharpshooter.
As a hardcore M&KB advocate, I actualy like the controler better on this version.
Any one want to play on PS3, Tag's CPTN_Cropduster.