1,000,000 CR Nurburgring Challenge
Sun, 09/02/2012 - 15:34
1,000,000 CR Nurburgring Challenge
I'm offering up a chance to win 1,000,000 CR to the top person who beats my lap time. I will be holding an invite only event on Sunday, September 16th at 9 PM ET. The catch is you have to use the A class VW GTI MK3 that I will provide by gifting it to those who are participating before the race. Do not remove the tune setup or decals. Altering either one of these will disqualify you. I consider myself to be an Amateur, so whether you're an Novice or Pro, feel free to give this a shot.
The event is 1 lap around Nordschleife. The time to beat is 9:24.780 (clean lap). Your lap does not have to be clean to qualify, just be the fastest. The game setup is as follows:
Damage Difficulty: Cosmetic
Collision Mode: Always Off
Force Off Suggested Line: Yes
Force Off STM: Yes
Force Off TCS: Yes
Easiest Braking Allowed: ABS Off
Easiest Steering Allowed: Any
Easiest Shifting: Automatic
Forced Camera View: None (I did it in cockpit view.)
If you're interested in participating in this event, it is open to everyone! Just send GT: NJDubbin a message at 9 PM ET. I will then send you an invite to the lobby. After about 30 minutes or so, I will write down everyone's name that is participating and then send out the MK3's. Since gifting may take a few minutes, once you have received the car, join the lobby, and I will start up a couple of practice laps at various tracks. Once everyone has their cars and has joined, we will start. I organized a similar event on Forza 3 but, those lobbies only allowed 8 people. Now, they hold 16, and my goal is to fill an entire lobby! Please help spread the word! I'm also thinking of giving away a car of choice up to $250,000 for second place. (This is not official.) The winner of the 1,000,000 CR will receive the money by selling a car in the auction house. Which ever car you decide to post, I will also reimburse you for the stock price of the vehicle. If anyone has any questions feel free to post here (Although I'm not one for really using forums much, so, it may take me longer to respond) or you can message me at NJDubbin on XBL.
For EVERY person that beats my lap time you will receive 1,000,000 CR's!
If you beat my lap time and it is clean, you will earn an ADDITIONAL 1,000,000 CR's!
For whoever comes in 1st place whether it is clean or not I will also give 1,000,000 CR's to!
That means 15 people can win 2,000,000 CR's and one person can win 3,000,000 CR's!
All of the previously stated rules still apply.
Just a thought about the simulation steering... those who use a wheel would need to use regular.
See I use a controller so I don't know what the problem is with steering wheels and simulation handling. But, if it causes a problem than I have no problem changing the difficulty to reach a wider crowd of people. Thanks for brining that to my attention.
It is because Simulated steering is set up to simulate wheel and pedal input on a joystick, this is why wheel users tend to use regular. It makes sense as the joysticks have very short throws and wheel setups of course much longer hence the two options. Though some wheel users use simulated, and some joystick users use regular, go figure
Would love to do this but it will be 2:00am in the morning for me
Damn. Sorry, if I could push it back I would. I am trying to do another similar even soon after for more money. I'll make it earlier in the day for members across the globe.
Anyone wanting to participate in this race tonight send me a friends request: NJ Dubbin.
How did the racing go?
I had about 7 people show up not counting personal friends. Ended up just giving away 1,000,000 to everyone for the heck of it. Unless they beat my time clean, which no one did, then I would of gave them more. I might try to pull another one of these races together before Horizon is released. But, time is ticking and I've been super busy lately. I will also set the time earlier so fellow gamers from around the world can join in on the fun as well!
Don't forget though when Horizion comes out we will still be here on FM4
Yeah I'll still be playing FM4 as well. Idk how I feel about Forza's Need For Dirt Horizon. Eh.