waypoint marker improvements

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#1 Sat, 09/15/2012 - 12:18
jikado's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/21/2006 - 23:00

waypoint marker improvements

A thing I noticed during Gearbox community day is that when you have an active mission, and you go to fast travel, in the list of destinations, the waypoint marker will be next to the closest location to your mission.

A small detail, sure, but, a good sign, I think. That was an issue for me in the first game. Accidentally going to Rust commons east when I need to go west...

Sat, 09/15/2012 - 16:23
TANK's picture
Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
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I never really had an issue with the old waypoint system, getting closer to your missing is always a plus though.  I just hope they intergrate the waypoint system into the DLC packs.  Getting around in the borderlands 1 dlc was mostly long boring drives from one area to the next and back again then again and again..   If they fix that, i'll be a happy camper.



Sun, 09/16/2012 - 12:01
jikado's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/21/2006 - 23:00

The other nice thing, too, is as you get near your objective, the waypoint marker will appear in the world. So, if your objective is to retrieve an item that's inside a cabinet, when you get within sight of the cabinet, the marker will appear over it.

Sun, 09/16/2012 - 19:59 (Reply to #3)
stungun504's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 08/12/2010 - 23:00

Glad to know they worked ont he waypoint issues. I hated searching those damn gun parts while the waypoint was 30 yards away. 

+1 to the dLC waypoint issue Tank.

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