PVEing in Orr
Mon, 09/24/2012 - 18:14
PVEing in Orr
WTF is up with so many enemies. Holy shit, you have to battle 15 guys just to get 100 feet. I've never seen another MMO so densly packed. This is brutal. I'm trying to get 100% and my Story done there. Will have to farm with a group for karma.
I was in Cursed Shore yesterday and I would engage one enemy only to have two or three more attack. By the time I killed enemy #4, enemy #1 would respawn. It's a slog to get through these end game areas if you're solo.
No question. Ore is meant to be farmed with friends, but they also limit the rewards now with more people. It's such an epic FACEPALM situation.
I heard in game chat that the last class quest is a group quest. Not sure how true that is. But WTF, I'm not playing a MMO to group up with friends. Screw that.
That zone is a pain in the ass to travel through as a Thief that has multiple stealths and teleports, I'm not looking forward to it on my Warrior.
My biggest problem is me. I get impatient and tired of fighting enemy after enemy clearing the zone one step at a time. I figure that I can just run and train them while I get to my where I want to. Just somethimes you get caught and then you're fucked.