Netflix, iOS and Android remote control

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#1 Tue, 09/25/2012 - 23:05
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Netflix, iOS and Android remote control



Netflix iOS and Android apps have a remote control easter egg for PS3 owners

Now that the revamped Netflix interface has hit phones and tablets for both Apple and Android powered hardware, the service has quietly enabled something else: second screen remote control. Currently the feature is only known to work on the PlayStation 3 with a mobile device on the same local network, once the two apps are running you can browse as normal on your phone or tablet and when you go to play a movie or TV show it asks you to choose where it will play. While the video is playing you can stop, pause or seek through it to a certain point, change the audio or subtitles, choose a different episode or even browse for something entirely different without stopping the action. We've got a few screens of the mobile apps at work in the gallery, check after the break for a quick video of it working.

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