Wow, kinda stingy... I hit the legend level and get 2% back. It's something I guess. Does that birtday gift asterisk really say they'll give me a gift of 25 cents for my birthday? Seriously?
Meanwhile, the veteran with the 9 or 10 consecutive year XBL GamerTag gets shit.
Exactly. Who cares how long you've been paying for the service, lol. I particularly like the birthday thing. Since this service just started, and my birthday is in September, and since you can only get it at the Beginning of the month, I get jack
Thanks for that.
Apparently I'm a Champion. Whoop de do. Means I get 1% back on marketplace purchases. So let me see if I spend 1000 points I get 10 back!
Wow, kinda stingy... I hit the legend level and get 2% back. It's something I guess. Does that birtday gift asterisk really say they'll give me a gift of 25 cents for my birthday? Seriously?
Silver members need not apply, no matter how high your gamerscore is.
Pretty disappointing, considering that in addition to missing out on a whole 2% off, I'm not eligable for the special birthday gift!*
* Birthday Gift (approximate retail value ("ARV"): $0.25 USD)
Man, that is so bogus. They cap the amount you can get back at 30,000 MS points. So any money you spend over $1,800,000 is just wasted!!!!
Meanwhile, the veteran with the 9 or 10 consecutive year XBL GamerTag gets shit..gif)
Exactly. Who cares how long you've been paying for the service, lol. I particularly like the birthday thing. Since this service just started, and my birthday is in September, and since you can only get it at the Beginning of the month, I get jack.gif)
Wow, I can't wait for August, 2013 so I can get my $0.25 gift from one of the wealthiest companies in the world.