10/9 update details released

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#1 Thu, 10/11/2012 - 13:35
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10/9 update details released

A bit after the fact, but these are the changes Gearbox is admitting to, of course there were probalby plenty of stealth changes as well they're not talking about.


10/9/12 Update Xbox360

  • Fixed an issue where a mission's level would sometimes reset to a lower level when loading a saved game.
  • Fixed an issue with stacking skill icons not correctly refreshing in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where a client would sometimes hear a high-pitched distorted sound when respawning in a 4-player game.
  • Fixed the player sometimes getting stuck on a long loading screen or infinite black screen when trying to travel quickly after entering some areas.
  • Fixed red loot chests only spawning certain types of items.
  • Corrected spawn rate of Michael Mamaril in Sanctuary.
  • Fixed a bug where clients would occasionally crash when trying to join a server.
  • Fixed controller vibration sometimes persisting indefinitely in splitscreen games.


10/9/12 Update PS3

  • Fixed an issue where a mission's level would sometimes reset to a lower level when loading a saved game.
  • Fixed an issue with stacking skill icons not correctly refreshing in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where a client would sometimes hear a high-pitched distorted sound when respawning in a 4-player game.
  • Fixed the player sometimes getting stuck on a long loading screen or infinite black screen when trying to travel quickly after entering some areas.
  • Fixed red loot chests only spawning certain types of items.
  • Corrected spawn rate of Michael Mamaril in Sanctuary.
  • Fixed a bug where clients would occasionally crash when trying to join a server.
  • Fixed some low framerate issues that would sometimes occur in splitscreen.
  • Fixed a microphone icon sometimes showing up incorrectly for splitscreen players.


Update v1.1.0 (Released 10/9/2012) PC

  • Fixed some cases where the Logitech G19 screen would show incorrect information for the friends list.
  • Fixed players losing ammo when reloading a savegame with max ammo and a stockpile relic equipped.
  • Fixed the vendor UI sometimes showing a count of 1 less item in the player's backpack than is actually there.
  • Fixed the favorite/trash icons in the inventory sometimes disappearing when scrolling the inventory list.
  • Fixed players getting stuck in a white box when two people try to travel at once and one is in a vehicle.
  • Fixed co-op players sometimes spawning at different places after a level transition.
  • Fixed the "has abandoned your struggle!" message sometimes appearing with no player name.
  • Fixed mini-map fog of war sometimes not uncovering correctly when first loading a saved game as a client.
  • Fixed a rare crash when trying to select a menu item with the keyboard after playing the game with a gamepad.
  • Added "(undiscovered)" entries to the challenge log for challenges that the player has not yet found.
  • Fixed a rare crash in the launcher related to using a gamepad.
  • Fixed client players sometimes seeing fired bullets fly off in random directions.
  • Fixed a blocker in the "Do No Harm" quest. This fix prevents the bug and corrects the issue for any character hit by this bug.
  • Fixed a case where players were sometimes being sent back to the main menu after their online status changed when playing a LAN game.
  • Fixed a case where shields that reduce the player's health were sometimes not showing how much health they reduce.
  • The inventory screen will no longer jump to the top of the list when using a customization item.
  • Fixed a case where clients and servers would sometimes see different fast-travel stations available to them.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause challenges to re-complete all 5 tiers over and over again.
  • Fixed players who have lost access to their 3rd or 4th weapon slot erroneously.
  • Allowed players to trade with each other when at maximum backpack capacity if they're trading the same number of items with each other.


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