2o2p Magazine - Issue #6

2old2play presents issue #6! This issue covers game reviews, history of the FPS, a look at game designers and other exceptional editorials.

This issue was fun to work on. I took a personal walk down memory lane with the Retro Gaming article on the history of the FPS and I enjoyed reading some of our teams research on famous game designers. We also managed to get a few developers to talk with us including a short interview with Scott Adams, a famous text adventure designer. We also contucted an interview with the developers of the free FPS MMO War Rock and performed a nice long interview with PopCap Games!

Download it here.

I'd like to say this issue was smooth in production but I'd be lying. A busy month again for most of us but we still managed to put it out as fast as humanly possible. The illustrations by Darth Cestual and BATMANKM are again stunning. I found the gamer profile image well done and I know that J0llyR0ger is proud to be profiled with such a stunning representation of his Gamer Tag.

I Hope it brings you a few hours of entertainment.

Derrick Schommer (CodeMonkey)
2o2p Magazine - Editor in Chief

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