Straw Poll for Community Play Nights
Straw Poll for Community Play Nights
So Borderlands has been out now for a month and it is a blast to play. It has been my hope that we could pull together a community game night where the 2o2p members that were interested would get together and play. Bridging these forums with an in-game experience.
So what I need from y'all is a rough idea about what day of the week works best. Weekday or weekends? I know that some folks can only play on weekends because of work travel and some can only play weekdays because their weekends are usually full. So if you could please respond if weekends or weekdays work better for you and which day is your preference. From there we can see what works best for the majority. In the end we could have 2 nights (weekday and weekend) with as many folks that we have on the forums, As far as the time goes it would probably be 8:30-11:30 EST. With a 3 hour window we should be able to at least get the west coast going before east coast logs off and go to bed.
Some ideas that have been tossed around:
- Community playthrough with a set character (only use one character for community play days so everyone is roughly the same level).
- Gear swaps (duping if that is your thing)
- Boss Farming
- Scavenger hunts (see Gearchat Wars on the Gearbox forums for more information)
- Badass Rank challenges that are easier with multiple people
- Help others with their playthroughs
- Get together and meet new people!!
Once we get the night set, what I envision is logging in with the Group GT (AFOFBorderlands) and using that as a means to round out parties, coordinating rooms, etc. I know this would require a gold pass and I have a couple of 2 day trial cards laying around. If it takes off maybe we can look into something more permanent.
I would ideally like to get this started next week to get the ball rolling.
(Sticked until we decide on a day)
Honestly Slater, I think the window of opportunity for this is basically closed. We're all about to be hit with the full force of holiday game releases, I imagine the population playing BL2 is going to be cut by 90%. i imagine most of us will come back to BL2 when DLC drops but otherwise will be consumed by 'new games' thru the new year.
I realy liked the scavanger hunt idea though, that would have been fun.
I would be down for doing something on the weekends. I'm not overly concerened with the holiday glut of releases as it's the same ole' FPS that are released every year. Besides dishonored (which I plan on buying used or borrowing from a friend), and XCOM, there isn't a whole lot coming out that I'm excited for. Although Far Cry 3 seems like it might be fun, but that isn't due out until December.
@TANK, yeah I kinda was getting that impression since there was not alot of traction on this post (or the other one from a month back). Jikado and I talked a bit about what would be good for the community and we pretty much came to the conclusion that there are not a ton of options for community play when yoiu are limited to just 4 people at a time. As opposed to other MP games that are designed with community play in mind. I just wanted to try and get folks together. I am still feeling my way as a "division leader".
@wilderz, I think I may just schedule something and see how it goes. There are still abunch of people playing and I have added a few new poeple to the GT over the past week or so. Never hurts to try anyway.
I'd be down for whatever. My friends have moved on to MoH Warfighter so I am in need of some new co-op partners.
Slater you know me I'm always down for a game night just leave a note in my inbox![5 5](
I'd love to do something, but b/c of the move, I lost a couple weeks of playing, so I am still working on my first play through.