encountering opposition to the 2old2play philosophy?
encountering opposition to the 2old2play philosophy?
Hi folks,
Apologies if this isn't in the right place; I don't really feel like it's "off-topic" but there doesn't seem like an appropriate place for it either.
I love this site. It has changed my gaming experience completely. I was always a solo gamer before joining the site, and a big part of it is because I was only interested in gaming with friends, or at the very least, people like me. When I discovered 2old2play, I thought it was brilliant: there are other gamers out there like me? And I can hook up with them and play exclusively? And I won't ever have to listen to some kid insult me because my reflexes are slow? Sign me up.
I was surprised to find over the last couple of months that that philosophy, of 2old2play being a meeting place for folks like me, has met with some resistance in the Mechwarrior Online forums. There is a small core group of 2old2play folks playing the game, and one of us created a "recruitment thread" in order to let folks know about 2old2play and our core group, and to invite folks to join us. For the most part the response has been positive, and a few folks have come and joined 2old2play based on that, but I've met with a surprising amount of negativity with regard to our 25+ policy, both from folks under 25 (which I would expect to a certain extent) and over 25 (which I was surprised by). I tried to explain that it's not about exclusion but rather about creating a community where members share certain things. I wonder if folks are understanding what I'm saying.
Have other folks had experience with negativity projected toward our 25+ policy or with the general philosophy of the site in other places? How have you handled it?
My response: "You complaining about it, is evidence of the lack of maturity I require to be on my friends list."
Parcells agrees with all the commonly themed responses to this complete non-issue with a minor shout out to Buckeye's clever and very accurate response. Some people won't like it, who gives a fuck?
I joined 2O2P for exactly the same reasons the OP did and three years later it was one of the better gaming decisions I've made.
I can see where the 25+ policy has a "members only" feel to it. But tough shit to those that whine. I want a place where I have at least a starting point for other gamers I would want to play with. We are more likely to have stuff in common and approach the game the same. That maturity makes a difference IMHO.
There are some good kids out there, might be good to play with but it is more about a social experience than "just playing games". This forum has opened XBL in an entirely new way.
Just ignore them would be my best advice. With the way the internet is everyone is a critic, and full on kungfu master that will instantly pawn all that walk the Earth. If they can't understand why we have the policy then I'm glad their not here. I have enjoyed the friends I have made thru this group and it has expanded my gameplay to some games I would not have otherwise tried.
I absolutely agree, Slater. I don't see it as exclusionary, I see it as people who are "of a certain age" having certain things in common outside of gaming based on life experience, and forming a community based on that. It's more than just gaming with people who don't scream obscenities in a high-pitched voice, though that's certainly a part of it :) My experience about this opening up XBL is very reflective of my own experience.
I have encountered some. It is usually from someone younger. The older people are sometimes a member of another older gamer site so they don't come here. If they are that bothersome I will mute them or leave the game. I just don't care about it as much as I used to.
Probably just getting older and I have bigger problems to worry about.
I just ignore them. If they are going to that whiny or raise a ruckus over something that trivial.....they aren't worth my time. I've got better things to do with my time..gif)
I was much the same before joining 2O2P. My FL had a whooping 5 people on it.
After joining 2Old4Forza, I've actually had to trim my FL a couple times now. I've purchased Halo4, Guild Wars 2 primarily because of either involvement or insight provided here.
We've actually got a similar policy at GoneBrokeRacing. All of the founders there are actually from 2O2P/2O4F, so it was a natural pre-screen filter for us. We do have a couple members who are under 25, but they came in with an existing member who sponsored them, followed by a probation period to make sure they meshed with our group.
If you don't have that connection between members...what's the point?.gif)
Unless I'm just getting more grumpy as I get older.......gif)
Well said Buckeye.
Cant please everyone. I for one, believe we earned our spot to be amongst like minded folks in a non hostile environment. I dont agree with everyone on 2old2play but at least i can have an actual coversation with them and in the end we "agree to disagree" then continue to game on.
Besides, none of us have shit in common with timmie cept the fact we were that young once too!!
Fuck um!
It does show up here from time to time. Haven’t bumped into it offsite. At least that I know of. But I have been wondering why 2/3 of people choose to “avoid me” on xbl. Maybe it’s that 2o2p sales pitch I have in my bio . . . . .
It looked to me like the majority of your recruitment thread reacted positively to the 25+ age limit. Looked like the bit of backlash was either out the notion that an age limit is discriminatory on some basis involving “maturity”, or that the term timmy is derogatory. Some came from timmies, one from a dude named Timmy, and some from excessively tolerant older folks who apparently play online with unicorns and butterflies while angels sing. Mostly the backlashers seemed like gamers I probably wouldn’t have a lot of fun playing with. So maybe you guys won’t either. Take the good. Forget about the others. Otherwise that thread looked like a great reminder of what a great place 2o2p is.
I look at it this way. When I created the hard fast rule about 25 or older I knew it would be met with some sour faces. However, this site isn't about trying to apeal to the masses. In fact, by its own design it can't and that's ok.
Realisticly our niche is pretty small. We don't just need to apeal to people over 25, but people over 25 who want to game with ONLY older gamers. Thats not ever going to be a huge pool of players. Add to that the compitition of members trying to copy what we have on their own (hello 5 clans that started their own older gaming sites), members who want smaller groups, or just people who move away from gaming as a hobby and the pool gets even smaller.
All of this ends up being a constant battle of gaining and losing new members over time. In the end though, I'm loving the core of 2old2play at the moment. I actually feel like it's our best community to date and really that's all I can ask for. There's a few trolls left, but division have done a lot to bring people closer (thanks Deep and the 2old2playhalo crew) and I'm really happy to see the direction. So if it makes you happy, then I say don't worry about what everyone else thinks.
This sums it up great. While age is a prerequisite to join the site, the "older gamer" mindset is what keeps this group growing strong.
25+ isn't any different from the Christian gaming groups, the veterans-only groups, GLBT groups, and so on. All those groups succeed because their members have a common mindset and desire to play with people with the same mindset. People will complain about us being too exclusive, which I guess I could understand if there weren't TENS OF THOUSANDS of other gaming groups/clans/websites out there.
this message is brought to you by the "i hate the fact that i can hear timmie in the H4 pre/post game lobby even though i have team & party turned on" club.
the pony he rode in on!
Same here. I joined specifically for the age limit.
However, I started gaming with my boys and so I don't generally have a problem with "Timmie/s". I even have a few kids on my friends list. I look at it as trying to help the kids not grow up to be bigger douche-nozzles. Show them a more mature side to gaming (most of the time...). :D
I come for my daily dose of Wam spam.
what I say to complaint about 25+ rule:
tough shit.
Yup, I would up it to 30 myself. There are many sites and places to game, if you have a problem with this one? Feck off and find one you like. All but three on my XBL list are 2O2P folk, my steam friend list the same. I have tried gaming with folk outside this community and to be honest apart from GBR who are, as had been said, dominated by 2O2P folk I don't really like it. I don't try to change these other sites or complain they have it all wrong, I just come home to 2O2P and GBR were the fun is the important thing and the people are...well if not always mature, are most definitely not Timmies.
let me relate a little true-life story as my example of how i deal with those folks who piss and moan about the 25+ rule (and that includes my kids who bitch about not being able to join the site).
imagine you're in a really hard-nosed back-and-forth game against another team of really freaking good players, and the best player on your teams apparently goes afk halfway through the game. in the post-game lobby he comes back and says "sorry guys, did we lose that last game? the baby was bazooka puking all over, the dog started barking to go out, the dryer with my workshirts went off, our 2 and 4 year old were fighting over a toy and the wife lost it and i had to go "manage" the situation". if you're first response is "we lost the f*cking game because of you" instead of a chuckle and "everything ok?", get the fuck off our site and come back after your immature ass turns 25, gets a taste of real life and grows up a bit. if you're over 25 and that's your answer, get the fuck off our site until your immature ass grows up a bit.
the folks on this site come here to spend time with other grown ups( a term we use kind of loosely). this place is a "relatively" safe haven and escape from the real world. maybe the 25 thing is arbitrary, some ppl under 25 can be mature, but it works for us and has for a good long while now. yeah there are deuchenozzels that are over 25, and i may very well be one of them, but that rule helps cut down on the number of people that we have to boot or ignore. we come to 2o2p to hang out with older, similarly life-experienced like-minded folks who just want to relax, have fun gaming with other people with similarly age-ravaged reflexes and forget about the real world waiting for us when we turn off our console/computer/etc.
so yes, this IS an exclusive club. we're not about to apologize for that. it's one which requires you to be over 25 and not a complete dick. when and if you meet those requirements then we'll welcome you and then most likely proceed to kill and teabag your body in whatever game we're playing. if you don't like it, tough shit, mlg will gladly take any mouthbreather with a pulse, go there.
100% agree. Its fucking impossible unless the kids and wife are out of the house to play a steady continuous game of Halo without my girls pulling off my headset, getting in front of the tv, jumping on my back for a piggy back ride, or spilling my beer off the table.
lol, stepkids then damn you:)
I've got 18 yr old twin boys, who rule in the RPG's and they've lamented on not being able to join our group, but they get it. They've seen me in pubs racing and seen the crap and carnage, hell, they live it when they play and would love to escape it themselves.
And the Friday night gang wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't racing with the three dogs v"voicing" their opinion occasionally or the wife scolding the kids about something, which invariably breaksdown into " what'd you do now Oldschool?" " I dunno, forgot a condom I guess?".
Cheers guys, thanks for your responses. I definitely agree with what's being said, I mean, I'm here for the same reasons as the rest of you. Doodi, I think you hit the nail on the head... it's not just about being over 25, but wanting to play with other people who are over 25 as well. If you don't want that, I think you're a bit fucking weird, excuse my french, but that's your prerogative I suppose!
I try to see things from other perspectives but I just can't with this... my experience on 2old2play has been beyond compare, and I want other people to experience that as well!
Parcels don’t know ferret from a hole in the ground but this level of sucking up to el-presidente is embarrassing.
Suck it Trebek!
You could just ask them this. Think back to when he/she/it turned 18, did they want to go and hang out with 11 year olds? Or when they turned 16, did they want to hang out with 9 year olds?
I mean yeah you are going to get the people that are 20-24 that are like, is there a huge difference? Probably not a huge difference, but on AVERAGE, you will have some life experiences they may not be able to relate too.
No matter what age requirement Doodi set up, you would have people to piss and moan about it. Just tell them we would love to have them back when they hit the 25 marker and they can see for themselves the reason for it.
Age is just a metric. Maturity is a character trait. That being said I do believe that character evolves over time but the two are loosely correlated. I know mature 18 year olds and immature 40 year olds. I personally feel that 25 is a good age to require but exceptions should be made on both sides of the 25.
Exceptions HAVE been made on our side of the line. A douche is a douche, 25+ or not.
I will take that as a compliment.