Anyone Here interested in Joining a Gears of War Clan?

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#1 Sun, 12/16/2012 - 15:28
Thund3rstruck55's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 12/06/2012 - 00:29

Anyone Here interested in Joining a Gears of War Clan?

I'm looking to start a Gears of War Clan here with 2old2play.  I have a bunch of guys that really enjoy Gears of War and play it nightly.  I know COD and Halo has really taking over xbox 360 lately, but anyone interested reply to this post.  That way we can get some people together that still play Gears and game together and get Ready for Judgement In March!

You can send me a FR, If you see me online, 99% of the time I'm running Gears of War!



Mon, 12/17/2012 - 15:12
jwbeck's picture
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I'm game... Lets get some more people in this house!!!

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 18:16
TANK's picture
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Sorry to hear about DV, the gears community has been on life support here since DV broke away.

It's still my fav multiplayer game but I haven't played it in months and months at this point.  WOuld be nice to see the gears community here grow and become active again.

I'm not really sold on Judgement at the moment though, March is loaded with awesome games and i'm not sure it's gonna make the cut for me.   Seems like i'll most likely be an expansion pack quality release at best.

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 23:25
Thund3rstruck55's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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you're probably right about it Tank, Judgement i'm not sold 100% on it either, but i'm still a Gears Head so i'm sure i'll be at the midnight release.

Thu, 12/20/2012 - 10:31
badmin's picture
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I have a lot of respect for DV and the players they have.  If anyone can get this community going its those guys.  I'd love to see more gear heads on 2o2p.  ANything i can do let me know.

Sat, 12/22/2012 - 17:16
Thund3rstruck55's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 12/06/2012 - 00:29

Thanks, we'd like to get back to a strong Gears following like in Years past.

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 18:35
Monkey_House's picture
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I am here and would love to play more GOW. Can't wait for Baird to be the Main guy!

Sat, 12/29/2012 - 10:30
Gatsu's picture
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Sign me up.

I've got a couple of guys that I'm trying to get to join 2old2play that are also big gearheads. They would be interested in a Gears clan as well.

Sat, 12/29/2012 - 19:40
bunman's picture
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Be nice to get  with people for some Gears.Haven't played in months since my old account lost all my accomplishments on the game.Not gonna grind it out again,just gonna play for fun.

Sun, 12/30/2012 - 07:09
PoltegIce's picture
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I think you fellas would benefit from not creating a clan, but rather re-energize the whole 2o2p community by becoming active in this Gears forum and leading the community towards more fun Gear games.


I believe you will draw a lot more attention from the whole site, by not locking yourselves behind closed doors. Create some play dates, become active on the forums, utilize the FOF lists created by fellas like Slater, and start sending out game invites to people you see on those lists, even if they are playing a different game. It will help remind everyone about the game and that there are still fun people to play with. At the very least, if the people have no intention of playing GoW again, you sending them invites may motivate them enough to remove their name from the list. Don't worry about annoying people with invites, its the whole point of the FoF list. Buyer beware so to speak.


i think if you start a closed clan right now, you will just hide yourselves from potential Gow players. 

Sun, 12/30/2012 - 07:18
PoltegIce's picture
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One thing that may limit your intitial influx of gamers is Epic's hand of evil with its DLC. Make sure you let potential 2o2p members know that they don't need the new maps to play with yas. I suspect you will find a lot of people never bought the DLC and that is why a lot of them don't play anymore. But if they knew they could still game with an active community, without any DLC, well maybe you'd find a lot more friends to game with. 


Sun, 12/30/2012 - 14:12
Gatsu's picture
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I agree with some of that. But when even the FoF tag is barren with maybe 1 or 2 people on at a time...that's not gonna do much.

The big problem is there isn't a Gears community. Maybe a handful of people play it on a consistent basis. Never enough to fill a custom room or everyone's schedules are very different so getting a group is tough. And there's only so much Horde or Beast you can play before you get bored and wanna fight real people. I've even set the game down for a while because I couldn't get a group to play with consistently. Reaching out to the community for events and whatnot hasn't done a whole lot sadly. We've had Gears N Beers nights for several weeks in a row and also asked what nights people are free and get maybe a little feedback here and there. We get a lot of support from the admins and whatnot, which is awesome. But ultimately we need people filling rooms who want to be there and want to play Gears. Which has not been the case.

Johnny has done a great job trying to rustle up support. He and I have both made posts about events. Hell I've even gone to the official gears forum to post for potential events, and then others end up trying to recruit me to their website or group. Or when the event night hits....its Johnny, myself and maybe 2 or 3 others (if we're lucky) playing Horde and waiting for others to jump on so we can get a customs room going, and it never happens. Which can get frustrating after a while. We talked on numerous occasions trying to figure out how to get support from the overall community. I just don't think it's there sadly. I know the admins and owners of the site want us to succeed. And I appreciate their support immensely. Ultimately though we need people to play. And I don't think having a mixer night once a week or every other week is gonna make that happen. We need dedicated people who play Gears like others on the site play Halo or COD. That's what made the Gears clan that was here on 2old2play successful. They had a core group that was dedicated to Gears.

We can post all day long in this forum inviting people to jump in. And a few have on occasion. But never enough to really create a pool of people to game with on a consistent basis. By consistent I mean at least one night a week.

Don't get me wrong. I've gamed with some good people here who enjoy gears and want the gears community on 2old2play to grow. I want to see the Gears community grow. And I've tried to help Johnny and others get something going. But nothing has stuck. It's not for lack of trying. Maybe a dedicated Gears clan is what we need. I may be wrong. But we've tried having event nights to coax out the potential gears players out there. And it hasn't worked.


Mon, 12/31/2012 - 17:08
Thund3rstruck55's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 12/06/2012 - 00:29

even with a clan i know most of the guys interested in a clan would still utilize the forums.  its just nice to know a group of guys that gears a lot, not just once or twice a month.

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