Judgment FFA video and my thoughts on my perfect Gears..

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#1 Sat, 01/19/2013 - 18:37
Gatsu's picture
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Judgment FFA video and my thoughts on my perfect Gears..

Here's the vid first.



Been watching a lot of FFA gameplay footage...well at least what they've shown so far. And I can say honestly that I don't 100% hate it. I'm not happy with some of the choices. But I can understand why some of those choices were made. I'm gonna miss the curbstomp in MP....but the executions like that are in the single player for sure. At least the 2 lancers still have executions in the MP modes.

Here's what I'd change to make "My perfect Gears MP". (share your thoughts and what you'd change as well).

Gears 3 is slow. A match can take forever. Why? Maps are too big, there are too many power weapons on them, and too many camping spots. Why does any map need 3 grenade spawns? Ever try KOTH or CTL on Sandbar? Takes forever for the shooting to start or if you need to get somewhere and you die....takes even longer to get back to where you were. Or your team is spread to thin. I'm gonna go to frag 1, you go to boomshot, you go to frag 2, he'll go to the oneshot......just too many power weapons and too big of a space. Now don't get me wrong I like big maps sometimes. But there's a reason why Checkout is a popular map. It's not huge. Also, on some maps there are too many places for people to camp, which slows the matches down considerably. Block off areas for certain gametypes like they do on Raven Down. Also...I love the map trenches...but I hate the sandstorm. You can have rain, snow...etc....but maps that have weather effects like the sand storm...meh.

Get rid of the mantle kick altogether....or change it back to how well it worked in the beta. It's so inconsistent it's ridiculous. One moment I try to use it and I miss someone right infront of me, or I'm diving to the left or right away from someone whose about to mantle-kick, and I still get hit. Or I go to mantle kick and end up just standing up straight and nothing happens. Just needs to get axed or severely altered.

Power weapons. Less of them on a map. You don't need a torque, sniper, oneshot and 3 grenade spawns on 1 map. It will give the matches more focus. You know where people will be heading so your team can plan accordingly.

Hammerburst. Revert it back to Gears 1 style. A melee + a burst shot from that would drop anyone quick. Which brings me to another point.

Melee is useless in Gears 3. By the time the melee animation is done, the enemy has already recovered and is shooting at you. Return it to Gears 1 style melee. People used melee then. I remember slapping people with the pistol and dropping them with a few shots afterwords. Good times. Fix it or just dump it altogether. Because hardly anyone uses it effectively now.

The Sniper - I hated getting 3-downed by a sniper in gears 1, but the sniper isn't a power weapon anymore in gears 3. Unless you're just ungodly good at getting headshots with it, it's useless even for support fire. And again it's inconsistent when firing from the hip, which in Gears 1 you could do like the gnasher and keep it aimed at the center of the screen and pop people. Took some skill but it worked.

Bump down the retro lancers power a little bit. Hell...drop all the starting rifles power a little bit. Active reload means something.

Eliminate stopping power. I like the idea, but really it's kinda dumb when you think about it. I'm shooting at you, and if you dive left or right out of the way, you will roll in place and get dropped if I'm hitting you. You can't get out of the way. Now if I'm running at you, sure it makes sense. But not being able to dodge out of it is kinda lame.

I'd leave the basic executions like the lancers and the curb stomp. Those are staples. Even though I love spending 5 minutes punching an annoying muthafucka in the face over and over at the end of the match....how effective is it really during a match. And look at what you have to remember to do it. Have to have either a snub pistol equipped or a grenade and hold Y. Don't press it.....hold it. Again I do enjoy performing that execution...I have little song I sing while I'm doing it.....but ultimately it doesn't need to be there. Though I would say you can keep the weapon-specific executions....because they are all performed the same way and usually only take a second or two to perform.

New spawn system. Maybe something like Team Fortress where the spawn areas are not accessible by the opposite team. No spawn camping. Or add a "spawn on a team mate" feature like they have in Halo 4. Keeps you in the fight and not running a mile and a half to get to an objective point. I can't say this is the best solution...but they are the only one's I can think of to keep things moving and to help eliminate spawn camping.

Keep DBNO, but only in relevant gametypes. Like Execution, Warzone, TDM, CTL, KOTH...etc. In free for all obviously there's no reason to have this feature.

Better range of movement....climbing up and down stuff is still a hassle. You don't do it a lot, but when you do it sucks ass sometimes. I see in Judgment you move a lot better and can even drop down from a roof top to the ground by just walking off of it.

More features for those who play customs. Think about it. Make your own gametype version kind of like Halo. So you can change loadout weapons, and have options like what they do for the playlists online. Doesn't have to be as indepth, but it wouldn't hurt.

Make Horde shorter....or at least faster paced. Less tower defense and maybe more objective based? I dunno. But it's old and needs more. Maybe actually constructing walls and things like that. And have specific maps just for Horde. Maybe to 25 or 30 rounds instead of 50. 50 takes a looooooooooooooong time even if you're doing well. Take the class system from OverRun mode in Judgment....you play a class you have a specific ability. Baird builds shit....etc. The elements are already there, but as they rounds go on stuff gets worn and breaks....then you spend the cash to fix it between rounds. And have each class only able to build/repair certain things.

Beast.....again like Horde...specific maps for it, or just reuse the horde maps. Add ALOT more classes of Locust.. Add more levels (maybe to 20 instead of 12). And come on....if I'm a berserker....I shouldn't take damage unless I've been set on fire. Keep it consistent.

One thing I see they are doing in judgment that I like is that the target recticle never goes away completely. So when you are not hard aiming, you can fire and still aim a bit. Great news for those out there that blow themselves up with the boomshot....or the torque bow in cover...and will make new gnasher users a little happy with gnasher fights if they have a little assistance.

Lastly...let me build my own Gears character or Locust. Nothing you unlock in MP....just stuff unlocked by playing the campaign, horde or beast. Only cosmetic stuff. It's not a necessity, but I just enjoy having my own character in a game, not just weapon colors. It'd be a neato feature I think. But that's just me.

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 14:53
injustice4all's picture
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I think that being able to use the boom shield with the lancer is awesome.  I also really like that fact that you can jumpt down from the top of a building onto the street.  It does seem weird to not see people getting executed, but it doesn't seem to take away from the game as much as I thought it would.  Is it just me, or does it look like the lancer does a lot more damage in Judgment than it does in Gears 3?  I'd have to think about what would make the perfect Gears game to me, but I do think that it should be way more dangerous to run out into the open than it currently is.  IMO, you should not be able to run straight at someone who is firing at you from behink cover.  I think that taking cover should really benefit you, but, imo, it often just makes you a stationary target.  I also agree with you that designing your own character would be bad ass.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 10:34
TANK's picture
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I like Overrun mode and the concept of it, but FFA means nothing to me, it's not something I was wanting or something I'll ever play. I've always hated FFA modes in shooters.  I have played FFA on Judgement, that's what they were showing at PAX.   One guy camped a high spot with the sniper rifle killing people in the back while they were engaged in a gunfight.  Otherwsie there wasn'tanything notable about it, it's gears except you have no team mates.  ALso there's no locusts.  You're engaged in some kind of odd COG civil war i guess.

But i've already said, i'm not excited for Judgement.  After the shit they did with gears 3, i'm not excited for it and went from super fan to being pretty indifferent about the franchise as a whole.  I've made my March choice and Judgement didn't make the cut, i'm going with something that has a fresh new multiplayer experience.  I'll probably pick up Judgement in the summer when nothing else is available and it's on sale for 30 bucks.






Wed, 01/23/2013 - 16:12
jwbeck's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11/08/2007 - 23:00

I like all of your ideas Gatsu.... The biggest one for me is stopping power.  I've been playing a bunch of old school which doesn't have stopping power and you can only use lancer and gnasher.  The game seems to move smoother than when I play TDM, KOTH, etc.  It also plays faster because players take more risks because they know they can evade without getting that awful hiccup you get with stopping power.  I'm not a fan of making the sawed off a double shot weapon before reload unless they ratchet down the power behind it.  Hammerburst idea of going back to Gears 1 would eliminate all the modded controllers we see in Gears 3.  I'd go one step further and make the snub pistol a burst weapon also.  Mantle kick is just pure bullshit.  I very rarely use it because of how inconsistent it is, you have about a 25% chance that it actually works.  If they can speed up the movement so that you don't get that wierd pause when coming out of cover or going up or down objects that would make the game move a ton better.  Nothing worse than going over cover and it takes what seems like 5 minutes to land on the other side just to be met by a guy who had time to open his beer and take a bite of his ham samwich to shoot you with his gnasher...Anyone guy write Gatsu and I for one am looking forward to the new GEARS game!!!!!!

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