Dynamic Lighting Forge Tips
Wed, 01/23/2013 - 19:08
Dynamic Lighting Forge Tips
I found this info that describes Forge tips to maintain correct dynamic lighting on custom maps. (Lighting Budget)
Elsewhere on their site, they describe that in Theater playback, Lighting errors are minimized by Saving the clip Immediately after playing on the map. - some testing is in order...
I was thinking the total number of people playing determined whether dynamic lighting was in the film of not. Total guess. I was suspicious of a connection between viewing the recent file film before saving I but never got back to checking the theory.
I have ZERO enthusiasm for Forge with H4, and I don't know why. It just doesn't seem as fun as REACH for some reason. I spent hundreds of hours in REACH Forge, but I've yet to complete one map in H4. Little things like this just make it more work than it has to be...
What about romantic lighting?