BTCC @ Silverstone Race 1 - 3 Report
BTCC @ Silverstone Race 1 - 3 Report
Week 1 Review.
Results have been updated and can be found here
This race review is in regards to the BTCC that is currently been run and can be found here
Firstly Congrats to the following drivers on winning a race (or 3) this weekend:
With the amount of different drivers getting a step on the podium the racing last week was very intense and close. This also shows in the championship points table with 10 drivers sharing points scored with at least one other driver!
The rest of this season should be very close and competitive. To ensure this the drivers below will be entering race 4 with the following handicaps:
Room A:
Trackassassin 5%
ChurchPro 5%
Jonnyfocus 5%
HLR King Cobra 5%
swhite014 5%
FTW Vin 5%
Room B:
kraigger75 15%
steviegers 5%
Fitzy 5%
Car News
In addition to Trackassassin 5% handicap (And any other handicaps gained) the stewards have decided to reduce the boost of the Dodge's turbo.
As such the maximum power allowed for Team Track and there Dodge is now set at 270BHP. This change will be re-reviewed for race 7.
Also the Performance of the VW Scirocco in Room B will be closely watch this weekend and a decision on what to do with its performance will be made in time for race 7.
All 6 replays from Room A and Room B will be on my Storefront by the end of the night.
See you next week and good luck.
Fun stuff
jCotter pulling a classic Church
Race = 1
Position = 3rd
Lap 10/10
Turns left = 2 turns
Finish Position = 14!!
On a slightly negative note
There was a few incidents in Both rooms this past weekend that caused a few drivers to lose a few places.
As this was the first time a lot of drivers have raced against each other and was unaware of other drivers racing technique the Stewards have decided NOT to place any sanctions on any drivers involved this time round.
However all drivers involved with collisions have received PM's on where they went wrong and what could have been done to prevent the collisions.
Lets try to give each other a bit of space on the track and make sure you call your positions.
Next weekend should be a lot better as a lot of drivers have now raced with each other and should have a basic understanding of the driver's racing technique around them.
well done Sir !!
No PM so I must have slipped under the radar, I know I did one move that was a result of a lapse of concentration (cat related) A real mad corner dive all wheels smoking, luckily there was a fortuitous gap between several cars through which I was able to thread the needle, but did scrape the sides of a couple. and one rear end shunt where someone braked very early.
Took a couple of knocks myself but nothing I would complain about...It was a little gung ho in the first race, slightly less so in the second and I dropped from the third so can't comment on that one.
Helios and I had a great battle in the first race, often wheel to wheel and swapping places a couple of times, that was great racing each leaving room for the other but never giving up a position easily. Space is key people
That was great fun. I was hoping for more of that in the 3rd race. I was bummed when you ended up bailing..gif)
I ended up just letting the more forceful passers go, then cleaned up positions in the aftermath.
Ended up with some nice scraps with Knight, Bongo (been far too long since I've got to race him), Zeratul and others. I did have to take evasive action a couple times at the end of the backstraight, as the ST could run deeper into the corner than others.....and it caught me out a couple times. The best one: "Look out Fitzy!" "What do you mean, I'm way off in the sand?" Enter sliding Focus ST. "Holy crap, where did you come from?" .gif)
Helios I had forgotten about that, it was very funny. When I went wide and way off into the sand the last thing I expected to see was another car go wider than me.
that's touringcar action and because of that I love it!!!!!