29yo was looking for league for forza motorsports 4 and came acrossed this one. i watch the escort race on youtube and like what i saw. hopeing to make some friends and good raceing ... i also play C.O.D 4.
Welcome bro. I'm adding you now. I will send you a club invite in-game asap. Click here to visit the 2O4F forums. Just let us know if you have questions or if you need anything. We'll do our best to help out if needed. As long as you're not shy, you'll have a blast here.
Welcome bro. I'm adding you now. I will send you a club invite in-game asap. Click here to visit the 2O4F forums. Just let us know if you have questions or if you need anything. We'll do our best to help out if needed. As long as you're not shy, you'll have a blast here.
Hey bro. I tried to send a club invite in-game & it telling me you don't exist. Are there any spaces in there I should know about?
Welcome to the site.
Hope to see you on the track soon
Welcome to the garage!