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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
Good evening everyone. I am losing my xbox soon, Does anybody use the Cloud for there Forza 4 Game Save. The first time i used it, it corrupted my gamesave so vowed not to use it again.
Church is right. DO NOT use this. I know 2 people that completly lost everything saved in Forza and i mean everything
Hey Antz I used it for a while with no issue apart from when live went down cloud also went down and no game save access but now I use a USB pen
Yep transfer to a USB.
I'd also advise USB flash drive!
Thanks guys, Forza 4 now on Forza usb stick. All other gamesaves on cloud. Be back real soon. Love you all. xxx
Be good Antz!
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
Church is right. DO NOT use this. I know 2 people that completly lost everything saved in Forza and i mean everything
Hey Antz I used it for a while with no issue apart from when live went down cloud also went down and no game save access but now I use a USB pen
Yep transfer to a USB.
I'd also advise USB flash drive!
Thanks guys, Forza 4 now on Forza usb stick. All other gamesaves on cloud. Be back real soon. Love you all. xxx
Be good Antz!