Let Sony know what's up

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#1 Tue, 05/28/2013 - 08:56
Biznass's picture
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Let Sony know what's up

I saw this on NeoGAF and what the hell, it can't hurt right?


Take a look at the OP and let Sony know what you think. The following is from GAF.

My biggest piece of advice is be respectful. They aren't likely to finish a tweet in all caps threatening them. 

Shuhei Yoshida (president of worldwide studios) @yosp (easily the highest level person on twitter and quite accessible)

John Koller (head of hardware marketing) @jpkoller (dude has like 150 followers - heh)

Guy Longworth (senior vice president PlayStation Brand Marketing) @luckylongworth

Scott Rohde (PlayStation Software Product Development Head for Sony Worldwide Studios America) @rohdescott"

#PS4NoDRM #PS4USEDGAMES  are the hashtags being used.  

Tue, 05/28/2013 - 10:17
mdl70's picture
Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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Good stuff.  I'll send out a few messages today.

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