Don't have the new dlc heads and skins? There's an issue apparently. Here's why!

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#1 Sun, 06/30/2013 - 08:19
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

Don't have the new dlc heads and skins? There's an issue apparently. Here's why!

So apparently something's been going on with the new heads released in the dlc. This was asked to the community manager in charge of the Gearbox forums, and his reply is below along with the original question:


Originally Posted by thergbcolor View Post
Thanks for the info, Chris.

Can you tell us anything about the heads and skins for DLC 4? Such as, are the drops working as intended or is there an issue with them? Not where they drop or how often; just that they drop at all, and that there's no problem.

The short answer is, stay tuned.

The longer answer is that we're doing something a bit different with those heads and skins that breaks the precedent established in the last three campaign add-ons, but they will be available in the future. Keep an eye out.


So in another thread posted on the June 27th as well they announced this as well:

A small update for Borderlands 2 is now rolling out on PC and PlayStation 3. A similar update will be coming to the Xbox 360 version of Borderlands 2 in the coming days, with additional updates for all platforms in the works as well.
Well, so for anyone wondering about those things there's your answers, I'm very interested in knowing what they have planned for these heads, and what's going to be in this next update/patch.


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