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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
The marketplace says that the test track includes something like 8 tracks....... What exactly are these tracks? Are they all just ovals?
And great for drifting.
It's got the ovals that run through the warehouses, the trioval, and that huge all out speed oval, no? And a drag strip for 8 is it. maybe bigger?
It's the Benchmark stuff, right? Has the helicopter out past the building, barrels and cones that DON'T move...
Oldschool 2o4f wrote: It's got the ovals that run through the warehouses, the trioval, and that huge all out speed oval, no? And a drag strip for 8 is it. maybe bigger?It's the Benchmark stuff, right? Has the helicopter out past the building, barrels and cones that DON'T move...
Drag strip for 12 or 16 actually
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
And great for drifting.
It's got the ovals that run through the warehouses, the trioval, and that huge all out speed oval, no? And a drag strip for 8 is it. maybe bigger?
It's the Benchmark stuff, right? Has the helicopter out past the building, barrels and cones that DON'T move...
Drag strip for 12 or 16 actually