Sharing of info..

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#1 Sat, 08/17/2013 - 11:53
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: 12/26/2012 - 22:27

Sharing of info..

So yesterday/last night I learned something from Cobra about setting up certain cars......And picked up over two seconds at Sebring between the setup change and watching his replay from Thursday night.


Thanks KC for the info and the credits!

This made me think of how much would I know or how fast would I be now compared to when I started if I had never joined this club?


I've actually learned a bunch from the folks here. To name a few....Max really helped out with FWD, high grip and low power cars (Seat Super Cup), as well as diff settings.

Cobra.....One of the biggest things is gear tuning to make the car more driveable (R1's) and to take advantage of the torque curves of V8 Muscle cars.

Cotter-first race school way back when on Nurburgring GP.....It was a mess then but is now one of my best tracks. And I still run the lines he suggested around that place

PTR Pap....We talked a bit about tuning awhile back and he does some things that are weird to me....(but OBVIOUSLY work for him) but I did learn a bunch through this exchange and this was when my tunes starting getting much easier to drive.

I know there are several more that I'm missing as I type this but trust me I appreciate all of the info that is passed out from members here. I'm always listening and paying attention and I can say that about 90% of the time in a lobby with a group of guys I learn something new.



Mon, 08/19/2013 - 10:00
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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And drivebye school you on the joys of excessive oversteer :)
Mon, 08/19/2013 - 11:40
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Last 6 months tops, I've finally started trying to tune, and a few others have been helping me and sharing back n forth, and I'm not near what I'd call good, but I can now make a car handle to what I can drive, by myself if necessary, maybe not the fastest, but at least manageable. I will say, there are some really different views on how to set up a car from what I've seen.

And I actually helped Chief last night with his Renault gain a sec or two. First time I tried to help someone else get quicker around a track by tweaking their tune.

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