Halo 3 free

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#1 Mon, 09/30/2013 - 12:42
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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Halo 3 free


Meh last time I played H3 it seemed like every host was overseas.  It'd be fun to get a H3 customs night together though.



Mon, 09/30/2013 - 13:46
Vix_Sundown's picture
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That's kinda cool though! My only problem is I forget which buttons to push going back and forth from the new Halo to the old.

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 14:04
bdub77's picture
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Finally! Looking forward to the H3 population expanding a bit on October 16th. 

I'm totally down for some H3 customs, I still play it once in a while though there are only a couple of hoppers with any sort of population and it's hard to get used to the slower run speed. Agree about the buttons, it's also hard to get used to non-hitscan weapons.

Tue, 10/01/2013 - 07:28
w0rm's picture
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I'll do some H3 customs.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 11:17
Shadow's picture
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doesn't H3 suffer when in digital format?  I remember you weren't supposed to install it.

Wed, 10/02/2013 - 11:26 (Reply to #5)
w0rm's picture
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Shadow wrote:

doesn't H3 suffer when in digital format?  I remember you weren't supposed to install it.

I've played it from an install and it seemed to perform the same.  Maybe a slightly longer load time when booting.

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 21:07
Ders.'s picture
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I'm up for some H3, as I'm done with H4.  Looking forward to a higher population for a bit and hopefully some better hosts.

Sat, 10/05/2013 - 19:17
wamam87's picture
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it was a free download a little while back. the bummer is none of my previously purchased DLC was compatible. the only playlists i could get in on were social slayer, rumble pit, and lone wolves.



Sat, 10/05/2013 - 22:17
Lou_Keymia's picture
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DLC can be glitchy, usually deleting and reinstalling it will fix any issues you have. There's always the ODST second disc you could install, too.
Sun, 10/06/2013 - 21:16
wamam87's picture
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my H3 and my Mythic disc are both broken...

Sun, 10/06/2013 - 21:44 (Reply to #10)
Double T's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

my H3 and my Mythic disc are both broken...

My H4 disc is broken.  Wait, I think everyone's is :D

Sun, 10/06/2013 - 22:11
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I think I died of old age walking across those maps. It was like molasses. In some ways, I don't want play Halo 3 again because it might ruin my good memories of the fun I used to have. :(

Sun, 10/06/2013 - 23:01 (Reply to #12)
Shadow's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I think I died of old age walking across those maps. It was like molasses. In some ways, I don't want play Halo 3 again because it might ruin my good memories of the fun I used to have. :(


Mon, 10/07/2013 - 00:22 (Reply to #13)
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I think I died of old age walking across those maps. It was like molasses. In some ways, I don't want play Halo 3 again because it might ruin my good memories of the fun I used to have. :(

lol I played some H3 MLG earlier (on US hosts!) and it was the game I remember it to be :)  Frankly I'd rather be playing H3 while waiting for the next gen games.  H4 is dead anyways and H3's actually fun.

Thursday night H3 customs

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 07:07
DEEP_NNN's picture
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We all see these things through different eyes. Probably because of age, I find it quite difficult switching between games. That accentuates what I don't like or not coping well with. I.E. slow movement speed, FOV and remembering buttons. I still enjoyed dual wielding, Brute Shot, full AC, vehicles, playing/seeing Elites, proximity talk, the maps I liked and clear atmosphere. Except for nostalgia nights, I wouldn't play it again though.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 08:07
Shadow's picture
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you listed a lot of things you liked there.  I'm still not sure how you could say you don't like it.  slow movement - so you're addicted to sprint.  FOV?  I don't see much difference in that.  Buttons you can play the same buttons almost exactly, depending on your initial setup.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 08:29 (Reply to #16)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Shadow wrote:

you listed a lot of things you liked there.  I'm still not sure how you could say you don't like it.  slow movement - so you're addicted to sprint.  FOV?  I don't see much difference in that.  Buttons you can play the same buttons almost exactly, depending on your initial setup.

It's enough negatives for me. I listed things that I liked, not whether I liked them more than other things. I like the feature sets of the newer games more than the older ones and it is not easy for me to switch games. Simple as that.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 08:45
zombiekitten's picture
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H4 can kiss my ass. H3 is my game now. It was FUN! The maps alone made me realize how much I hate 4 lol


Mon, 10/07/2013 - 10:35 (Reply to #18)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

H4 can kiss my ass. H3 is my game now. It was FUN! The maps alone made me realize how much I hate 4 lol


I like a lot of the Halo 3 maps (not all) but I only dislike a few of the Halo 4 maps. I'm always confused on Meltdown for example.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 10:53 (Reply to #19)
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

zombiekitten wrote:

H4 can kiss my ass. H3 is my game now. It was FUN! The maps alone made me realize how much I hate 4 lol


I like a lot of the Halo 3 maps (not all) but I only dislike a few of the Halo 4 maps. I'm always confused on Meltdown for example.

I'm actually surprised the people who prefer BTB type gametypes bailed out on Halo 4.  It seems like the H4 game mechanics would be a plus for that audience.

For the people who prefer arena style gameplay, especially the competitive players, I think H3 is light years ahead of H4.  Pit, Guardian, Construct, Narrows, Midship remake were all great maps with unique map flows that gave the game some variety.  All H4 maps literally play the same to me.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 12:51 (Reply to #20)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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DCHaloJunkies wrote:

I'm actually surprised the people who prefer BTB type gametypes bailed out on Halo 4.  It seems like the H4 game mechanics would be a plus for that audience.


You would think that, but unfortunately it doesn't work out that way.  DMR and lightrifle inhibit map movement (especially upon launch when the DMR magnetism was insane).  Camo also makes map movement difficult, especially when you're able to get it to glitch.  Vehicles, while not as weak as the ones in Reach, are still easily destroyed, not to mention having the ability to arm yourself with a PP and stickies.  Lines of sight are pretty bad on most btb maps.  Couple the above in with ordnance drops and suddenly, 2-3 people on each team has a power weapon within the first few minutes of each game, sporting camo with additional ammo.

What's funny though, instead of 343 beefing up the amount of damage a vehicle can withstand (and fixing the problem), they keep the vehicles as is and instead release a support upgrade that lets you survive your vehicle destruction.  Essentially, 343 decided to fuck both the driver/shooter/passenger and the one inflicting the damage to the vehicle.  The driver/shooter/passenger still have their vehicle easily destroyed, but instead of getting the kill(s), the one inflicting the damage gets 'vehicle destroyed points' and no kill.  

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 13:30 (Reply to #21)
DarthTabasco's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

DCHaloJunkies wrote:

I'm actually surprised the people who prefer BTB type gametypes bailed out on Halo 4.  It seems like the H4 game mechanics would be a plus for that audience.


You would think that, but unfortunately it doesn't work out that way.  DMR and lightrifle inhibit map movement (especially upon launch when the DMR magnetism was insane).  Camo also makes map movement difficult, especially when you're able to get it to glitch.  Vehicles, while not as weak as the ones in Reach, are still easily destroyed, not to mention having the ability to arm yourself with a PP and stickies.  Lines of sight are pretty bad on most btb maps.  Couple the above in with ordnance drops and suddenly, 2-3 people on each team has a power weapon within the first few minutes of each game, sporting camo with additional ammo.

What's funny though, instead of 343 beefing up the amount of damage a vehicle can withstand (and fixing the problem), they keep the vehicles as is and instead release a support upgrade that lets you survive your vehicle destruction.  Essentially, 343 decided to fuck both the driver/shooter/passenger and the one inflicting the damage to the vehicle.  The driver/shooter/passenger still have their vehicle easily destroyed, but instead of getting the kill(s), the one inflicting the damage gets 'vehicle destroyed points' and no kill.  

Laser is right on. I have never been one to really get into BTB, but what I did enjoy about it was driving the hog. I loved driving on maps like Valhalla and Standoff. One centrally located laser for teams to fight over may the best team win (not the best personal ordinance). 

I pretty much loathe BTB in H4 for all of the reason Laser mentions. I also have to mention my extreme distaste for the Mantis. I HATE THE MANTIS! Gone are the days of a good hog team being a valuable commodity to a BTB team - there are just too many random variables (and bad maps) to allow people good with vehicles to have fun. Now it's all about plinking away with DMRs and having a PP in your back pocket to quickly take out vehicles. 

Wed, 10/16/2013 - 14:46 (Reply to #22)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

H4 can kiss my ass. H3 is my game now. It was FUN! The maps alone made me realize how much I hate 4 lol



This x 50. Takes a little to get used to the BR again though. But it's so nice having decent maps and not having care packages dropping rockets for everyone.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 11:40
w0rm's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

In some ways, I don't want play Halo 3 again because it might ruin my good memories of the fun I used to have. :(

You're thinking about it the wrong way.  Imagine all the great memories you can gain by playing Halo 3 for the next year!

zombiekitten wrote:
H4 can kiss my ass. H3 is my game now. It was FUN! The maps alone made me realize how much I hate 4 lol

Preach on!

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 11:50 (Reply to #24)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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w0rm wrote:


DEEP_NNN wrote:

In some ways, I don't want play Halo 3 again because it might ruin my good memories of the fun I used to have. :(

You're thinking about it the wrong way.  Imagine all the great memories you can gain by playing Halo 3 for the next year!

Umm, nope. I put 3 years into Halo 3 and except for the occassional nostalgia night, it's diminishing in my rear view mirror more everyday. It lives in the land of faded memories for me.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 16:24
bdub77's picture
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I also hate the Mantis. I've always preferred a BTB without vehicles, and it's pretty hard to find an exception.

Let me add that there are a handful of BTB maps to play (because DLC isn't required) and Ragnarok is picked 75% of the time and that map was never balanced even in H3 when it was Valhalla. The other maps are an ugly disaster with terrible lines of sight. I don't even want to get into it.

I don't blame power weapons - power weapons have always been a BTB staple. Remember Sandtrap where 10 seconds into the game someone had laser followed 20 seconds after that by sniper, not to mention the numerous vehicles.  And yet Sandtrap was one of my favorite map types pretty much ever.

Halo 4 might not be shelved yet but it's getting awfully close. Let me just say though that for the record I still hate Reach more than H4. 343 did a lot of things right but unfortunately the big ones killed the game - sprint, map breaking AAs, and default map selection being its biggest flaws. 



Mon, 10/07/2013 - 18:48
Double T's picture
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I like H3.  I played and just about every game got doube digit assists.  In H4 I seem to only get 4 or 5 in a 16 player game, though I play exactly the same.  People think I steal kills a bunch, but no, the assist calculation is fucked up.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 18:53 (Reply to #27)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Double T wrote:

I like H3.  I played and just about every game got doube digit assists.  In H4 I seem to only get 4 or 5 in a 16 player game, though I play exactly the same.  People think I steal kills a bunch, but no, the assist calculation is fucked up.

People actually stop to notice that stuff? Not me, unless it happens right in front of me. :)

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 18:59
Ders.'s picture
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Well, looks like I still have all the MLG variants saved in my files along with a few fun/wacky games, so I should be able to host a "grab bag" night of customs on Halo 3 soon.  Anybody want to give it a whirl this week?  I'm going to make a separate thread.

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 19:41
zombiekitten's picture
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@ T I noticed we all got a lot more assists in H3 than we do in 4. 

Mon, 10/07/2013 - 20:40
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I noticed my feet.

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