[GT6] Coffee Break for Mazda Roadster Series - Sunday January 26th @ 12:00 EST [FINISHED]
[GT6] Coffee Break for Mazda Roadster Series - Sunday January 26th @ 12:00 EST [FINISHED]
This event will feature the 1965 Mini Cooper vs the Fiat 500L. A no points and no pressure race event. It will be two 12 lap races at Brands Hatch Indy Circuit. Race 1 with a qualifier. Race 2 with qualifier but the field will be inverted. Laps take just over a minute. I will be posting the tunes Thursday January 16th. These cars will have a very low PP rating and Comfort Soft tires. It's going to be the most fun you can have under 100 mph. LOL Hope to see you all there because the more drivers there are the more fun it will be.
Here are the preliminary builds/tunes:
Mazda Coffee Break - Mini Cooper 1.3i '98 versus Fiat 500F '65
Fiat 500F '65 build. PP=350, 56 HP, Weight=525 kg
Tires-Comfort Soft
Suspension-Height Adjustable,Fully Customizable
Ride height: F=95, R=95
Spring Rate: F=1.31, R=1.23
Dampers (Compression): 3 and 3
Dampers (Extension): 3 and 3
Anti-Roll Bars: F=4, R=3
Camber: 0.0,0.0
Toe Angle: F=0, R=.20
Brake Balance: 5 and 5
Transmission-Fully Customizable Dog Clutch
Max Speed=106 mph
Final Drive-5.152
Power (limiter=100%)
Stage 3 Engine Tuning
Sports Computer
Racing Exhaust
Catalytic Converter=Sports
Intake Tuning
Ballast Weight=5kg
Ballast Position=-10%
Mini Cooper 1.3i '98. PP=324, 65 HP, Weight=730kg
Tires-Comfort Soft
Suspension-Height Adjustable,Fully Customizable
Ride height: F=80, R=80
Spring Rate: F=2.21, R=1.40
Dampers (Compression): 3 and 3
Dampers (Extension): 3 and 3
Anti-Roll Bars: F=3, R=3
Camber: 0.0,0.0
Toe Angle: F=0, R=.20
Brake Balance: 5 and 5
Transmission-Fully Customizable Dog Clutch
Max Speed=106 mph
Final Drive-3.183
Sports Computer
Ballast Weight=10kg
Ballast Position=10%
Play around and tell me what you think. I know, they are slow but with several of them on track we could have some fun.
Grim, I tried to use the build sheet but I was on the iPad and its tough to use with that.
Rules: Tune and tweak as much as you'd like. Just don't add parts.
The builds will be posted by the am, CPro. The mini has a lot more power stock than the Fiat. I believe all the the mini has is full custom suspension, CS tires, a little ballast weight (10 kg) and the fully tunable transmission. The Fiat has the same but it also has some engine upgrades to raise it up from its paltry 17 hp.
Added to the event schedule - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtJz_lY_51zNdGVOa3hWXzVtN2VZTWlkeWR6T09pVEE&hl=en_US#gid=0
Anyone build these of should I come up with something else to do?
I haven't had a chance yet to try them, as I was busy practicing for the past Mazda & vw races and probably won't until after fri vw race that car needs a lot of tlc to get right :)
I plan to build and test them in the next day or so.
I built both.
Okay guys, thanks. Just bare in mind that these cars are slooooooow but lots of fun with a bunch of us running together. Grim, I'd be interested to know what you do with the gear ratios. I didn't mess with them too much.
Run about 15 laps in the mini and it's so chuck able it's great running as snappy said just a smidge over a minute a lap, had to stop myself from just going round and round forever lol. Awesome little things will definitely be in this
I think Im going to go with the fiat being a RWD fan
Snappy...Prior engagements will keep me from Sunday's Race...Anyone feel free to jump in my spot!

Parcells also wont be able to make this race OR highly unlikely I'll feel good enough to play as I plan on staying up really late playing poker and my head wont be in the best of shape thats for sure.
pretty fun.....just two questions
will it be raining on race day and is contact allowed ?
No rain on race day. Side by side contact is okay but nothing more. Drivers looking to make a move should be well along side. None of this dive bombing business. These cars require the driver to maintain momentum so pit maneuvers or repeated bashing into one another has a seriously adverse affect on both cars.
So, it's race day! Hope at leas 8 to 10 can make it. That would be cool.
I'll be running with the 500 since its RWD!
I have a practice room open if you woul like to jump in early if im not on your list add me: Snoop_SLR8789
I will race the mini
I'm getting on in a few and starting the lobby.
That was fun Snappy, thx for organizing it! You really had to carry speed with those little gems!
Good fun today guys, thanx again snappy!
sorry to who ever got sandwiched on the back straight in race 2. We were going 3 wide and cars just started bouncing off of one another resulting in someone's rear making contact with nose spinning them.
Thanks guys! Yeah, those little things are fun. Sorry to Snoop in race one. I tried a bold move inside but didnt call it out. Luckily it cost me more than it cost him. Silverstone was fun too. I just wish the Fiat was stronger on the straights to stay with the Mini.
Good stuff snappy. Thanks for putting this together!