Input needed -Witcher 3 or Dragon Age?

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#1 Sat, 08/16/2014 - 09:55
bluBlud's picture
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Input needed -Witcher 3 or Dragon Age?

I'd like to give one of these a try but haven't played any of the earlier titles so I don't know much about them.  I have played and really liked Fallout and Oblivion games because there was enough action to keep me interested (just developing characters and playing puppet master isn't  my kind of game).  I also like the dungeon crawling atmosphere and elements over just roaming through towns talking to NPCs.  So, any thoughts on whether the next Witcher or Dragon Age would be a better pick?

Sat, 08/23/2014 - 07:47
PixelSkills's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/11/2014 - 15:19

Im picking Dragon Age, althought I want to play both im broke. I loved both Dragon Age games, I know everyone didnt really care for the second but I loved it. Dragon Age is going to be a 200 hour at least game, this means 200 Hours of gameplay.

I am really not sure about the Witcher, I didnt really care for the Witcher 2 at all. I played it for maybe 10 hours and was really bored. I just dont like the fact I have to use this guy instead of creating your own character and such. That being said, The Witcher 3 looks amazing but I still have to stick with Dragon Age.

Tue, 09/02/2014 - 02:22
Mr402's picture
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Don't bother with either game until you've played the earlier titles in the series.   Both games have a pretty rich world and history so it would serve you well to enjoy them both from the beginning.  

Tue, 09/30/2014 - 15:14
TANK's picture
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I'm going WItcher 3, it looks freak'in amazing and seems like  a lot of next gen effort being put into it. 

Wed, 10/08/2014 - 14:57
Slater's picture
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Why not both? Dragon Age comes out in November then  Witcher is in Late Feb.

I'm in the same boat as in I have not played either one. But I did play Mass Effect and loved it, the story and gameplay really hooked me. I'm told that Dragon Age is similar just substitute swords for guns. I shared my concern with some gaming buddies that have played all the DA games and read the books but I have done none of that and would be fresh to the universe. They said it should not be a problem to just get Inquisition and enjoy it. If your a reader, there are a couple of books that take place before Inquisition and would set up the game for you. That's my plan anyway.

I played a bit of the Witcher2 and it did not grab me. Part of that was due to the fact that I got it after my XBone and that is all I have been playing so I got caught up in the slow controller and dated graphics. The Witcher 3 looks amazing and it is on my list.

I'm gonna do the same with the Witcher that I'll do with DA, read the books, then youtube Witcher 2 story and play Witcher 3.

If you can only get one game for some reason, get Dragon Age since it also has Co-op multiplayer which should be fantastic based on what Bioware did with Mass Effect 3.

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