Well here it is in all its gimped form. After about 3 months of design work and a REALLY long weekend, the new 2old2play V3 is up.
For now, please understand that there is a TON left to do. You will see lots of bugs, issues, weird colors, broken links, etc........... What ever you do, don't email us. We know about all this. We are going to be working non-stop this week to get it all worked out. We wanted to open up to at least let our members check out what is to come as well as use the forums again.
Other then that, I would consider the site very very Alpha. Not beta. Alpha. So please just sit back and watch the show as we fix the problems and add more features. Once it is all done I will be sure to post news on all the additions, changes, and new features. Expect a lot more in the near future. Thanks for waiting guys.
- doodi
Other then that, I would consider the site very very Alpha. Not beta. Alpha. So please just sit back and watch the show as we fix the problems and add more features. Once it is all done I will be sure to post news on all the additions, changes, and new features. Expect a lot more in the near future. Thanks for waiting guys.
- doodi