Bungie weekly news items

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#1 Mon, 10/06/2014 - 14:12
Minotaur's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Bungie weekly news items


The Raid was designed for solid teams of killers who have made a commitment to solve a dense and explosive riddle. Most of the raiding parties who have emerged victorious from the Vault of Glass have sworn that one weak link would have doomed their chain. There have been other stories, of course. We’ve heard tell of Guardians who met each other just outside the door that leads into that vault. Strange tales have reached our ears - tales of total strangers who have banded together to see the Raid all the way through to a triumphant finale.

Is there any chance we will get private matches? One of the things my friends and I really want to do is be able to play against each other.

I totally get it. I want that, too. I’ll keep bringing it up. In the meantime, I’ll have some dares and challenges to issue to the competitive community. Keep your sights trained on us.

A couple of the items in the weekly news update caught my eye. It appears you can meet other Guardians "outisde the door that leads to the vault", for the Vault of Glass raids. Anyone do this?

Hopefully, we'll get custom games, and be able to learn the maps and strategies....

Mon, 10/06/2014 - 16:15
Dixon_Tufar's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 12/15/2007 - 23:00
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Minotaur wrote:


The Raid was designed for solid teams of killers who have made a commitment to solve a dense and explosive riddle. Most of the raiding parties who have emerged victorious from the Vault of Glass have sworn that one weak link would have doomed their chain. There have been other stories, of course. We’ve heard tell of Guardians who met each other just outside the door that leads into that vault. Strange tales have reached our ears - tales of total strangers who have banded together to see the Raid all the way through to a triumphant finale.

Is there any chance we will get private matches? One of the things my friends and I really want to do is be able to play against each other.

I totally get it. I want that, too. I’ll keep bringing it up. In the meantime, I’ll have some dares and challenges to issue to the competitive community. Keep your sights trained on us.

A couple of the items in the weekly news update caught my eye. It appears you can meet other Guardians "outisde the door that leads to the vault", for the Vault of Glass raids. Anyone do this?

Hopefully, we'll get custom games, and be able to learn the maps and strategies....

You don't need custom lobbies to know the strategies necessarily.

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