Looking to put a casually competitive team together for MCC

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#1 Thu, 11/06/2014 - 11:05
bdub77's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Looking to put a casually competitive team together for MCC

First off I'm not super familiar with the 2o2p community, although I understand there might be some clans playing, so please inform me otherwise as I'd love to participate.

Let me see if I can state this correctly without being overly ambivalent.

I'm looking for some folks, preferably on the east coast or in midwest (I'm in NC) who want to play "competitively" as a team on MCC but not hardcore. I don't have that much time to invest. Instead of try-hards, maybe call it try-medium.

I'd like to maybe meet online but fairly regularly, 2 days a week, Mondays or Tuesdays between 8-11pm and maybe Thursday nights (After casual Thursday play). Number of players doesn't really matter to me. It could be 2, 3, 16, whatever works. Obviously more than 8 and we're gonna have to play each other. :)

As far as skill level goes, I would prefer you are modestly competitive but I honestly don't really care. As far as 'what hoppers' i also don't care as long as they are team hoppers. Even BTB is fine by me.

If anyone is interested, feel free to add me as a friend in Xbone (maybe let me know why you're adding me tho). I have a full time job and kids but I'm pretty regular with scheduling.

Also if there are already groups out there, let me know, I'd love to play with you. I'm mostly just tired of playing with randoms who nade you and shoot you in the back. I'd much prefer it was someone I know nading me from behind ;)

Thu, 11/06/2014 - 13:39
Tristan's picture
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I'll send you a FR. Not sure what my scheduling is going to be like, but hopefully we can get some games in.

Mon, 11/10/2014 - 03:42
Assassin_45's picture
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I'll play. I'm on your FL already I beleive. I'm looking to get into ranking up in matchmaking mostly at first. I'm maybe a little above average skill wise. I need to and will be working work on my call outs. I'll be mainly playing ranked playlist tonight I guess if your on. So hit me up if you like and I'll try not to die too much.


I'm on the east coast and play mainly 8pm-10pm. If I'm off the next day I usually go much later.

Mon, 11/10/2014 - 10:10 (Reply to #3)
bdub77's picture
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Sounds good. 8-10pm on east coast (maybe 8:15, 8:30) are typically my hours too. My days have varied quite a bit in the past but I'm shooting for 3 days a week on the weekdays.

I don't know what my plans are tonight yet (probably be on for an hour tops when the game starts) but I might take tomorrow off if a friend of mine isn't visiting Friday. I'll probably mostly use the time to learn the maps and spawn times and do some jump practice on the H2 maps.

I definitely need to work on callouts. I also want to work on flag juggling between teammates.

Watched the ESL championship last night, was pretty awesome. Was a little bummed to hear about glitches not being in H2A but that's OK I sucked at BXRing anyway.

Mostly looking forward to (hopefully) having some sort of decent connection on a regular basis. Also going to be interesting to see how people adapt from H4 to H2 (including myself). It's going to be a totally different game. Map control without sprint will be a lot more difficult to break.

Mon, 11/10/2014 - 12:27
Neks0ne's picture
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I do like sprinting, though H2 **with tweaks, was the most competitive level platform of the Halo series. 

Mon, 11/10/2014 - 14:35 (Reply to #5)
bdub77's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Neks0ne wrote:

I do like sprinting, though H2 **with tweaks, was the most competitive level platform of the Halo series. 

The biggest problems with sprint are:

1) Map size must increase

2) Magnetism and changes to splash damage to correct for latency 

3) Escaping.

4) Possibly some tweaking for objectives.

#1 - this is to me the biggest problem with adding sprint. If sprint is in, maps must be designed for sprint. H5 is going to have sprint.

#2 - Not as much of a problem with dedicated servers.

#3 - Just make it so sprint is off the minute you are damaged and stays off until you die . This could even be good for new strats, for example you might nade certain areas to damage players enough that they can't sprint. Or you could make it dependent on hp instead of shields or vice versa. If you turn it off though, map size becomes an issue.

#4 - Hard to say how this would work, but see #3 - you could incorporate strats to help/hinder a team trying to sprint during an objective game.

Overall I'm generally OK with sprint if it's implemented correctly. I honestly don't think it takes away much from the game. I'm more worried about the COD-like sighting stuff than sprint. 

However, I'm a little bummed that H2A didn't come with Midship, but H2A is going to be really fun. They did so many things right in H2A. I love the Avalanche stuff on the new Lockout, the shield on Ascension. I'm dying to play.

Mon, 11/10/2014 - 15:53
Neks0ne's picture
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Im sure they will sell us midship soon :)

Mon, 11/10/2014 - 16:29
Tristan's picture
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Or they could make it and then sit on it for 13 months so they can use it to market another game, like they did the Mythic maps in Halo 3 with ODST.

Mon, 11/10/2014 - 20:08
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I have to send out invites. Love to play with you guys.

Tue, 11/11/2014 - 10:14
Sparty1992's picture
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I'd be interested. Having some destiny MCC conflict right now though.
Wed, 11/19/2014 - 12:42
bdub77's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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So last night I considered starting up customs or going into MM but there were major problems last night with friends' lists and the waypoint site, so I ended up playing campaign and for whatever stupid reason trying to speedrun mission 2 of CE on Legendary. (It was not a pretty sight but definitely a learning experience. I've almost got nading incoming dropships down to a T.)

Anyway, I'm still planning to get a group together for practice, but joins and invites are so goddamn painful, especially for MM, so I'm just going to wait until the game gets patched and hopefully I'll be up by 8:15 next Tuesday if everything is mostly working so don't be surprised if I FR you. Anyone interested can join to practice callouts/run scrims, although I'll probably keep it to 8 total. If I get really weirdly dedicated and people are interested, I'll try to do some post-game theatre/fileshare discussion to look at previous matches and see what could have been done better. 

Focus would be on H2A and in particular the championship series, but I'd love to jump into Team Slayer, H2 Classic, and H3 for fun. The games are so goddamn fun to play (when they work).

Also, fair warning, I might be pretty crappy right now, I'm switching to Bumper Jumper from default.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 13:26
Tristan's picture
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I tried to invite you last night, to no avail (again). It took me literally an hour to get my other friend into my lobby. We played a grand total of one game before he had to go to bed. Hopefully the patch will make it possible to actually play the game we all paid for.

For switching controller layouts, the key is to go slow and actually think about which button to press until it becomes automatic. Most people get impatient and make the mistake of trying to go on auto-pilot too soon, and their old muscle memory kicks in, which sets your brain back in learning the new layout.

I teach piano, and it's the exact same thing. If someone learned a wrong note, it's now in their muscle memory. After we fix it, they have both the right and wrong notes in their muscle memory. Every time they go on auto-pilot and replay the wrong note, it keeps the wrong in their muscle memory, making it harder and harder to fix. But if you focus and play the right note every single time, it becomes permanently fixed before too long.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 15:00 (Reply to #12)
Duke12's picture
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Tristan wrote:

I teach piano, and it's the exact same thing. If someone learned a wrong note, it's now in their muscle memory. After we fix it, they have both the right and wrong notes in their muscle memory. Every time they go on auto-pilot and replay the wrong note, it keeps the wrong in their muscle memory, making it harder and harder to fix. But if you focus and play the right note every single time, it becomes permanently fixed before too long.

Which adds data to my theory that the best First Person Shooter players are musicians and knitters :-) (you may look like you're hoisting a rocket launcher, but it's all really about delicate hand-work -- not my specialty, alas)

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 15:24
DarthTabasco's picture
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Back in the day when I switched from Default to Bumper Jumper, I just played through the campaign. This helps get you used to the new layout and it doesn't really matter if you die because you accidentally naded yourself or messed up a jump...lol

My main issue is now trying to switch back and forth between playing Destiny and Halo. My FPS challenged brain just needs more Halo, hopefully the game will work soon.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 18:28 (Reply to #14)
bdub77's picture
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Definitely agree about the muscle memory thing.

DarthTabasco wrote:

Back in the day when I switched from Default to Bumper Jumper, I just played through the campaign. This helps get you used to the new layout and it doesn't really matter if you die because you accidentally naded yourself or messed up a jump...lol

My main issue is now trying to switch back and forth between playing Destiny and Halo. My FPS challenged brain just needs more Halo, hopefully the game will work soon.

This is what I'm doing, the campaign. Semi-successfully :) 

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 08:57
OldnAchy's picture
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Same here.  When I jumped into Halo 4, I was throwing grenades when I tried to scope, and crouching when I tried to sprint.  Drove me crazy.  Now default (Recon) has flipped the left bumper and X button (more like H2), and I am slowly getting used to that -- all in campaign of course.

Wed, 11/26/2014 - 09:57
bdub77's picture
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Had fun last night but multiplayer clearly isn't ready. It took us a good hour just to get a four-person team to play. 

It's slowly getting better.

I built a crappy octagon (well OK it's a square) because I can't figure out how to download other fileshares. If anyone knows how, let me know.

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