MCC - 450 Achievements (updated)
Mon, 10/27/2014 - 14:09
MCC - 450 Achievements (updated)
This is insane. I knew there would be 4000GS but not 100 achievements per game. Most are 5 or 10GS in order to fit them all in.
update: now 450, with a 50 achieve MP title update.
Yeah. Some don't even look worth the grind.
It definitely will be grind to max them out. But I've got at least a year to finish before H5 comes out...and if H5 turns out like H4, even more time.
Some are so easy, just a matter of looking at some "artwork" in game. i.e. easter eggs.
Sure but a small percent. I did all those except the couple tied to dates, plus a bunch of other MP custom achieves - and I'm still only like 10% done with all achieves.
Some are glitched (as of now). Played some H2A campaign and none of the achievements for completing the levels unlocked. What a mess.