Vault of Glass; Tonight Friday 12/12
Fri, 12/12/2014 - 07:02

Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago
Joined: 10/09/2011 - 23:00
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Vault of Glass; Tonight Friday 12/12
I wouldn't mind running the VoG tonight if folks are interested.
I should be on by 7:00 Central, then we can hopefully start trying to put together a group. If folks aren't on yet, I'll just be running bounties to level new gear and weapons, so message me if you want to party-up.
Post here if interested and when you might be available.
If I'm on, I'll look for a spot with you.
I can be on between 9:00-11:00 Eastern.
My relic experience is zero and I still have to be shepherded around.
I can curse and swear on demand, or not.
I should be available. Haven't VOG raided this week yet. Noob relic guy as well.
Most of my relic use has come during the Gatekeeper and Atheon, but I'd be willing to give it a go with the Templar.
I'm working on Eris missions but available for raid, haven't finished it this week yet. We had a good session practicing with the relic last night at the Templar, so am feeling much more comfortable using it now. 9 eastern start works for me but am flexible if you need to start earlier.
Busy social evening, but hope to be on before 11pm Eastern. If so, I'd be glad to take over Deep's spot if he has to leave. Available till 1am ET thereafter. I was part of the relic practicing group as well. Deciduous Duke.
Darth seems to attract old people. Must be some kind of odour.
I thought we were all "old people" at this site.
Good group last night.
Sorry I can't play much after midnight. As it was, I was too tired to even talk during the last half hour.
I'm realizing these raids are kind of difficult for me. I'm not sure if I agree with Bungie on how hard these should be or that the entry bar is set so high.
Agreed, the raid is the least enjoyable part of the game for me. Carving out hours with 5 other people is very difficult to commit to. Happy to see I can get over 30 and keep up with the game not relying on the fickle nature of RNGesus doing something I cant say I find super fun!
I presume Bungie is appealing to the widest variety of gamer abilities possible. Some people, mostly of a certain age and/or skill level, figure out the Raid relatively quickly and then find it rather boring on normal thereafter. I'm not one them, but I'm still glad we can all play in the same sandbox. I'm finding the normal level Raid a little more enjoyable if I make the "journey" part primary and the "destination" secondary.
Anyone getting on tonight?
Thanks to all that joined! We had a good run, especially considering most of the group had little or no raid experience.
We made it all the way to Atheon, but couldn't quite finish him off.
I would be up for starting there tonight, about 7:00 Central, to take Atheon out.
Post if interested!
On Normal? I can have my Warlock lvl 30 with a maxed Vision of Confluence for optimized oracle popping. I have never ran any relics though.
Yes, I have a Normal checkpoint.
Interested. Is that 7pm CST OR???
Sounds like I need to do the daily on 30 so I can level up to 29 before we need one shard.
Found out the first part of Crota's raid is finding out way to and through 16 lights. Then on to bridge building, ogre and knight killing followed closely by sword yielding activity. Sounds like fun!! Lol...also, was just reading on Twitter from Destiny Overwatch that the weekly nightfall loot THUS far HAS been upgraded versions of Ice Breaker and Heart of Praxic Fire. Dang Bungie..I'm hooked like a fish is to water. Lol
All of the loot that drops now are the higher damage/light variants. The ONLY exception are the loot drops from the Vault of Glass still hold the lower light and damage specs - including the exotics.
I guess VoG is not recommended until that changes?
The Mythoclast is 331. I got a Gjallarhorn (and haven't been able to shut up about it since) from Atheon last week, so that's worth it.
I think it's still worth running, especially if you need ascendant materials.
Drops are so random. I've had 3 of those drop. I want other stuff, but keep getting the
I got a Plan C last night with the old 300 peak at end of VOG..but got lucky at crota's raid and scored the new Gjallahorn or however the F___k you spell
I think I ran the Vault 20 times (no hyperbole) before the Vision of Confluence dropped for me.