Blue Dragon And Bioshock Given ESRB Rating

Japanese-style roleplaying game Xbox 360 owners rejoice - the ESRB has rated it, indicating an imminent release here in the good ole US of A.

But I can pass! I have a T rating now!

The game has been rated "T" for Alcohol Reference, Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes. I suppose Hee Haw would be slapped with a "T" as well for that sort of content.

Are you excited about finally playing the game that made the Xbox 360 a mild blip in Japan - well, it did sell a lot of bundles there? Or is your heart set more on Eternal Sonata?

Bioshock has just been added to ESRB as well, M for Mature for "Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language". Mmmmm... sweet, sweet Mature themes of sex, drugs, and ... er... bloody violence.

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